an expression when you are relieved or glad because of something.
girl: hi mom! (hiding her report card)
mom: did you bring today something?
girl: no.
mom: o...k
girl: HU BOY!
When a persons bottom half is larger then the top half of their body, achieving the appearance of a human pear.
That hu-pear got back for days.
This is a common expression used in Dublin, Ireland.
It is used when asking when someone is online, whether it be facebook, or snapchat.
It is also used as a mocking term that is used when you are making fun of something.
"Awh would ye STOP look at yer wans crusty shoes"
"Awh stop, crocs hus on"
Something Alex Joyner says when you say you will call his mom
Me-“ dude ima call your mom and say you said the n word” Alex-“ hu noo dude please don’t!”
1. an expression or emphasis placed on the man in humanity to convey the need to allow men who feel overlooked, invisible, or even forgotten to have a voice in today's society
We need to allow the "man" back into hu-MANity so that men feel connected and valued in today's hostile society.
He is so stupid and ugly. Everyone hates him, and he is destined to wear blue glasses for the rest of his life. He needs some milk for sure. Definitely does not have a name that has to do with the thing above our heads.
Adjective: Used to describe people who are extremely childish, nerdy, and hypocritical. Also used to refer to a person who commonly gets mogged.
Person 1: "Did you hear about John the other day? He's so annoying! He plays soccer all day! I can easily mog him." Person 2: "Oh yeah! He's such a Yihan-Hu! weirdo..."