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Good at everything , sport , and usually incredible at sex , he has a fairly large penis and everyone is jealous of his girlfriends , very good kisser and he’s crazy hot , everyone wants him but he’s loyal and won’t ever cheat so he’ll stick to his girl

omg he’s so amazing I bet he’s a Jonathan.
Look how hot he is he’s probably a Jonathan.

by XxflylikeaGxX February 5, 2019

4👍 1👎


A Rat

Oh shit! A Rat! Oi Jonathan- scatter, mate!

by Old French man May 28, 2019

3👍 2👎


One small boi.

That’s it.

Woah! That kid isn’t really small, he must be a Jonathan.

by Nartima October 16, 2019

3👍 1👎


A species of giraffe commonly found in a trash can.

Damn that's one seriously large Jonathan right there.

by ASingleCookie May 5, 2018

3👍 1👎


a gay faggot who no one likes and is very disrespectful when it comes to adults and children. he is such a show off too. he is so sexist and just not a great person to be around.

jonathan has no friends

by wow damn rough October 13, 2019

3👍 2👎


A kid who is very sweet and is kind to others around and is single bad is very nice and has a lots of friends for example Jaylah his crush ❤️❤️

Jonathan is a nice guy

by Jonathan9190 February 10, 2018

3👍 1👎


jonathan is a very nice person, and very loyal to his very small group of friends. he has hair like a dweeb and acts very cringily. he is an akward guy who stares at girls and sometimes boys

robert:Hey jonathan nice hair DWEEB.
phil:*whispers* CRINGE i think im ded
chris*joining*: no shi* sherlock

by Oof roblox oof October 12, 2019

2👍 1👎