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Walk of Lame

Pulling an all-nighter and walking to your first class the next morning straight from the library.

Adam spent the entire night at the library studying for a mid-term he was going to fail and took the walk of lame to his 8 am class.

by amoose October 26, 2009

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lame bitch

People named Archit who usually are bad a badminton. They claim to like the color orange and steal everything from their mentally ill friends.

Archit is such a lame bitch. He sucks at badminton!

by urmom694206969420 September 9, 2020

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educated lame

A person who has demonstrated intelligence through earning academic credentials (e.g., a bachelors degree) or has earned intelligence in an informal way but who is not considered "cool" by those in the community who place more value on things that are not intelectual.

Girl 1: Why you bring an educated lame to the club with us?

Girl 2: You didn't even give him a chance.

Girl 1: What you mean? The dude came in here trying to teach me about "the rule of 72," the difference between communism and socialism, and the way algorithms work, but he didn't know how to dance and hadn't memorized any rapper's songs. Yo' dude boring as hell!

by It'sDame October 19, 2022

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lame nigga

a boy who plays around don't want anything real
a guy that sleeps on a girl that loves him

I can't find a boyfriend because of all these lame niggas

by Jenn13ifer September 25, 2017

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Lame Chops

Associated with anything lame.

1-"Hey, I just bought the new Harry Potter on DVD and VHS!"
2-"Wow, that would go well with a big plate of lame chops."

by Mac, February 24, 2008

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raised to be lame

A powerful epidemic across the world. Usually a result of overconservative parenting exclusively among men (women are generally exempt) that now is manifesting itself in various ways into adulthood. Usually an excessively boring, simple mentality that is generally common in parts of the country (midwest, south) and is found across the world at varying levels. Not as common in Western Europe or California.

Dude, what's up with all this Warcraft stuff those guys over in IT keep talking about?

It all comes down to one thing...the way they were raised.

Wait, what do you mean...

They were raised to be lame!

by Ronnie Jonez January 13, 2010

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lame cake

to describe a situation or object

"this job is lame cake"

by choker January 23, 2009

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