Source Code

late 420

Exactly 4:28. Not a minute before or after.

"Aww man we missed 4:20!"
"Don't worry man, it's only 4:26. We can still catch late 420."

by BLAZE DABS March 18, 2018

Late for a Meeting

Something you say when you don't want to stop to talk to that annoying person in the office who never stops talking about things you aren't interested in.

Joe: "Hey Marla, how are you this morning"?

Marla: "Great Joe! Sorry can't talk now..I'm Late for a Meeting".

by Britini girls January 23, 2013

Lates Gates

Short for 'See you later, Alligator'. Usually replied to by "Whiles Diles"; short for 'In a while, Crocodile'

E.g. Debby - Going to class now. Lates Gates
Jo - Alright. Whiles Diles

by Fly Boy Kunj July 23, 2017

Unfashionably late

Showing up to an event when it's already over.

Bobby was so unfashionably late, he showed up to watch some football and the game was already over and everyone else had left.

by RiskyShananigans February 4, 2017

late for school


Certain to fail.

"See that perfect 10 across the bar right there? She's coming home with me tonight."
"Yeah, wake up, dude. You're late for school."

by Yapjaw April 25, 2016

late and bake

Blazin late at night instead of going to sleep.

An adventure in the night...and we aint talking about wet dreams

" Im not ready for this day to end..."

" Then lets late and bake mothafuckaaas! " - (Fogell voice)

by KidMonster October 24, 2010

die late

Another form of the term Dilate.

This is often used to disguise the word in a place where you would be banned for it or simply to be used in a way that goes over most heads.

(under a transgender individual's post)

"lol, die late"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022