Perry the Platypus and Carls boss. He has a bushy moustache. Doobie Doobie doo da
major monogram
A person who can work any piece of technology perfectly. Not a nerd because has friends.
Robbie Jones your a major Tech
Very cool guy, way cooler than Milo Nelson
Wow Donnie Major has a massive shlong!
a terrible nine circles level in the game geometry dash
flat major is so damn inconsistent it's so dumb
What TV salesman Phil swift says to buckets, after he stabs then and saws them with a chainsaw and gives them allota DAMAGE!!!!!!!!! this word can be used to show the major destruction brought on by anything.
Aw man i just saw waterproofing my life with flex seal on youtube and phil swift got some MAJOR DAMAGE by jontron. phil swift is problably crying himself to sleep rn.
Scoring large amounts of money from outlandish sources. I.E. Rent A Grandma, nude skateboarding, A Cheese Stick stand, or selling parts of your anatomy on ebodybay.
Steven: Oh my gosh I made some major bank selling my forearm on ebodybay!
Leslie: Eww, gross, you couldn't pay me enough money to sell my forearm!