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Meh is a word with the most possible ways of using it in the history of words. it has various definitions, depending on how you use it. Actually, it doesn't really mean much of anything come to think of it...

Meh. Meh.

when somebody asks you what you think of someone else, and you say Meh, it could mean you don't think anything of them, or that you just don't really care.

by Not Sure... March 15, 2005

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Means "Who Cares" or "Wtf?"

Person #1 : "Man, Ima fail that test"
Person #2 : "Meh.."

by KT May 10, 2003

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English: Meh is a simple reaction when people don't know what to say in any moment.
Portuguese: Meh Γ© uma simples expressΓ£o quando as pessoas nΓ£o sabem o que dizer Γ  qualquer momento. Entre no Bozo que ele Γ© legal.

"silence in a room......"
person 1 - mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
person 2 - hmm.. (laughts)

by Felipe Segundo E Bozo June 4, 2004

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that word that emo kids say when they are

Making Love
Whenever they can't think of anything else to say

emo2343: OMG dude! I totally flunked my math test!

EMoSk8r: meh. me 2

by TrippedOutEmoSkater January 19, 2009

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meh has many different meanings:
1. who gives a shit
2. i dont fucking know
3. whatever

where do u wanna eat? meh (who gives a shit)

by datniggaclay July 8, 2005

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The sound made by a sheep, also known as bleating

sheep say meh meeeehhhh

by latrociny July 14, 2010

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1. Used to portray indifference, along with words such as eh whatever and shruging.

2. Used in chatrooms as a misspelling of me or my. Often displays ownership of a good quality, object, or hot guy.

1. p1: How was your day?
p1:...Which means...?
p2: I don't care. Bugger off.

2. p1: u think im mean??? i dont care, at least i got meh good looks!!!!
p1: lol did u check out meh spiffeh blog???
p1: OMG! Rafael is meh favorito ninja turtle!!!111!!

by Ducki February 22, 2008

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