a place where:
the youngest grade thinks they're so cool because they just got out of elementary school.
the middle grade hates everyone and really just doesn't care at all.
the oldest grade also hates every other grade and they act superior to everyone else. and scares everyone with how tall they are.
the one where i live is grades 5, 6 and 7 but a lot of them are 6, 7 and 8.
middle school:
kid in youngest grade: lyk omggzzz i am sooo kewl! 3 months ago i was an elementerrey skewl kidd but now im soooo awesomez.
kid in middle grade: what? oh just shut up.
kid in oldest grade: look! im tall! MUAHAHAHAHA
23π 5π
flip the bird or middle salute looks like this
...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.Β·Β΄
(yes i made that) and it means to FUCK OFF and such (for more of these IM me at FUN8927 or Emailme same thing wth @aol.com)
Your an Ass hole
Well guess what? here to you buddy
(flips the finger)
2030π 915π
1. The place where all males turn in doucebags with white earbuds embedded in his ear. For fun they mock anyone not into sports, Call of Duty or any popular rapper. Ofthen plays the guitar because it looks cool, without learning the frets or tuning. Yes they jump right for guitar without thinking about trying piano, bass, saxophone, etc.(oh and they never use acostic ones) books are "retarded and gay" and manga and anime are for weirdos.
2. They place where all females have a walk-in closet full of arecrombie and fitch, hollister american eagle and aeropostle. Thanks to daddys credit card, they have a 5000 dollar warbdrobe. They will give head to anyone who plays football. They enjoy rap and pop and think rock is "for old people" and metal is for "emos drug addicts and dumb people" when they themselves cheat on tests. Use terms such as 'lol' 'bffl' and 'ttyl' all have favebook pages.
1.Me:Hi, i like playing the Legend of Zelda instead of Call of Duty, i'm not too into watching espn for four hours a day, i like to play the bass instead of the guitar, i enjoy reading manga and anime and my music of choice is bands such as AC/DC, the Beatles, and Gorillaz.
Middle school male:dude ur a queer.
2.Wahhhhh!. I failed 7th grade, dad i want 40 dollars so i can buy 2 inch jeans from arecrombie while i listen to avril lavienge
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Basically means, fuck off, I dont give a damn
Random guy: you're so ugly omg why are you even here
Girl: fuck off *shows him the middle finger*
133π 51π
Middle-class America. Suburban, predominately caucasian, reminiscent of Pleasant ville. Common family unit consists of moderately successful father, stay-at-home mother, 2.5 blond kids, and a very, very nice lawn. Middle Americans thrive on monotony of routine and everything vanilla. The police have nothing better to do but harass and oppress anything remotely teenager, while 90% of parental figures are taking some sort of anti-depressant/bi-polar medication. The kids are avid drug users, as there is nothing else in town to occupy themselves with
Sounds a little like a Twilight Zone? It is.
" She'd never heard of a rave before."
" Grew up under a rock or something?"
" No, she's straight from middle america."
" Ohh."
130π 49π
Kids that sit in classroom all day doing shit on paper and are very senctive.
Middle schoolers are rich youg hoomies.
50π 16π
the fucking hell hole that makes everyone go suicidal crazy bitch on you. the teachers say its the best time of your life when really you will realize that the best time of your life is when you're 21 and can hang with all the legal boozers you call your friends.
all through middle school everyone cut and there was some major bitch fights going on.
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