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someone who's simply smart doesn't mean he's a nerd godammit! A nerd is an anti-social moron who doesn't like sports, music and girls. A nerd dedicates his life to wasting it by studying for no reason, and doesn't even have any fashion tastes.

A kid with broken glasses fixed with masking tape, short pants with a tucked in shirt and underwear with cartoons on 'em, and a frikkin' name tag on his shirt. Wtf man?

by christian 93 June 30, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who specializes in a particular aspect of geek culture.

A computer nerd enjoys his computer more then any other activity, and tends to do more regarding it, but that is not to say its his only activity of choice.

by Teh Greatness August 18, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's like jizzing but it only happens after something really nerdy has made you really happy.

Other tenses: Nerd, nerded

Boy 1: Did you see the trailer for the new Assassins Creed?

Boy 2: Oh my god yes!

Boy 1: I was nerding all night

by JimmyIsBehindYou October 2, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pretentious lot who fancy themselves better than the average person. they tend to look upon themselves as better than most people, they obsess over certain things to the point where all else becomes moot and null. they seem to like to bring up things like, the worlds biggest nerd is also the worlds richest man... it seems to me however they forget that while they "run the show" on their high horse the much larger population of workers carry out their tyrannical commands due to their inexplicable inability to work for real. Sure a nerd invented the computer, satellites and microwaves. and sure some nerds will become the center light for a while and create something to better mankind. but most of them simply wallow in their intelligence hating those more accomplished then they and taking it out on those less so. bitter, forgotten and frustrated with the fact that they will have no affect on the world around them despite all their great idea's.

nerd with a black eye's mother- that jock is just jealous because someday you will be his boss, have a nice car and a hot girlfriend

nerd with the black eye- sure great, I'm sure my "lucrative" job in the world of teaching his retard kids English or some bullshit like that will really make his life of getting a free education sports scholarship in whatever he wants because he plays football or something like that will really make him mad.

nerd with a black eye's mother-shut up nerd

by anger child January 10, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somebody who acts in a way that makes no sense to you.

In modern U.S.-originated global culture, the term is mostly used by jocks to refer to brainiacs, but in mid-Twentieth century Britain, a nerd was more usually someone who acted foolishly or recklessly, without considering the consequences, or was simply clumsy.

Consider: A student sits in the library studying hard for an important exam tommorrow. Her fun-loving soon-to-be burger flipper classmate lounges about on the grass outside soaking up some rays. Each looks through the window at the other and declares "What a nerd!"

Nerd can be used as an affectionate put-down among friends, usually indicating foolishness, or as a calculated insult, where it's meaning is somewhere between loser and geek.

What a total nerd! You wouldn't catch me doing that!

by Linton February 16, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


nerds like to believe that, because they don't have any friends and prefer to spend their weekends sat infront of a computer screen 'socialising' on internet message boards with other like-minded losers, they are in fact 'unique non-conformists'

sadly, they're deluding themselves

see also: geek, outcast, loser

nerd: donnie darko rocks. I can totally relate to the main character, I'm just like him.
me: shut up bumfluff

by Fred September 25, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A geek with self confidence
usually cooler to hang out with than geek.

by Some Punk April 5, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž