Biggie cheese is a REALY big rat with a golden cheese necklace och a microphone. He is SO fucking big that when he is going to the movies he sits on everybody's seat. He is also the GREATEST rapper of al time with banger hits like Mr bomastick and I love cheese. R.I.P Biggie cheese.
Biggie cheese is a REALY big rat with a golden cheese necklace och a microphone. He is SO fucking big that when he is going to the movies he sits on everybody's seat. He is also the GREATEST rapper of al time with banger hits like Mr bomastick and I love cheese. R.I.P Biggie cheese.
Biggie Cheese is a North American Rat Hip Hop/Rap Artist, Originally becoming famous by being featured in the Film version of Back at the Barnyard, as a Artist Preforming on stage. He is most famous for his Hit Single "Mr Boombastic", and was assumed dead in 2017 due to a drive-by, but worked with Alternate Universe President Funny Valentine to Return and drop the Album, "I Haven't come this far to Die now", selling well. He's Alive and Well, dropping other Singles like "Cheese em", "French Swiss", and a remake of "Mr Boombastic".
"Yo Biggie Cheese Is My Favorite Rapper."
"Same here, Rat Arnold."
The name of a character from the 2006 movie barnyard.
It is now used as a fun nickname
Other variations include:
- jeezy cheesy
- the jeez cheese
Person 1 : hey, biggie cheese!
Person 2 : yeah?
A cheese-loving rat. The king of all cheese-loving rats.
*Biggie Cheese walks in* What's up, guys? It's Biggie Cheese!
A fictional rat rapper from the Barnyard series. He’s been memed to shit.
“Biggie Cheese?”
“That memes fuckin dead lmao”
Biggie Cheese is the name of a talented next generation porn star with a huge fat fucken cock and gives out an estimate of 2L of semen per bust. Biggie is also the name of the fat fucken kid in your class with big fat cheese producing titties that you want to suck on for lunch.
I wack to Biggie Cheese nut shot.
an absolute fucking legend, pussy slayer, rap god.
Im gonna go rape biggie cheese.