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goth points

what you get for anything that could be considered goth

kid: OMG!!! you totally get fifty thousand goth points for that vampire outfit!!!
goth: fuck you.

by gothman June 21, 2008

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internet points

The "points" on reddit.com, also known as upvotes and downvotes.

Every post on reddit.com gets "internet points."

by Benedict Cumberbatch October 22, 2013

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experience points

A type of drug more addictive than crack and nicotine by a factor of infinity. A unit to measure the march of our meaningless lives. Progress, digitized and palpable. The currency of the soul. The slow triumph against entropy. The basic human need.

When we die, those who have collected enough xp will become one with the mind of god.

See also level-up

187349 xp till next level.
934937 xp till apotheosis.

Says the sage Vatsayana:
"In life, there is no DING to assure us of the fruits of our labor. But do not falter my son. You need not turn to the darkness of RPG's. The true DING comes from within."

by PISTOLsINstack July 25, 2004

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talking points

Political and Moral sign posts for the walking dead.

1) I tried to reason with my mother but it seemed her entire vocabulary had been reduced to a few trite talking points she had heard from the Bills (O'Reilly and Crystal). I had learned to aim for the head when shooting zombies, and now was no time for mistakes.
2) The make-up man did a remarkable job of hiding the bite wounds on the president, but that odd speech rhytm and blathering talking points were a dead give-away. The camera hid the mangled hand, but you could see the rotting flesh on the live feed.

by Pantaloon January 11, 2008

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[Boi] Point

(noun) - an imaginary reward given from one boi to another based on a boi's actions or words.
Boi points can be rewarded for sexual conquests, witty quips, purchasing/making food for another boi, etc.
Boi points can be subtracted for blowing off plans with a boi, being grumpy and other un-boi-like actions.
Most boi groups don't actually keep a running tally of their current boi points. Its mostly used as a sign of approval or disapproval towards another boi.

Mookie: Yo Duff, last night I slept with two chicks at the same time, ate some Fiddle Faddle and successfully used 2 quotes from Swingers in everyday conversation. Oh yah, and here's a full rack of ribs I just made for you.
Duffleton: Nice! +5 Boi points for you my good man!

Roger: Hey Reg, sorry man, but I won't be able to come to the kegger tonight. My grampap died.
Regis: Minus 5 bois! <click>

by Mumpleton Funk January 23, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hollow Point

A type of bullet that has a lead core and a swagged jacket but leaves the front portion of the projectile exposed. Within the exposed lead is a cavity that can be as much as 2/3 the diameter of the bullet. The purpose of the cavity is to initiate rapid expansion of the projectile on impact there by creating a larger wound cavity,earlier into the penetration depth. As a bullet expands, the wound cavity grows generating more shock and tissue damage. A hollow point projectile can double in diameter if properly designed. For example, a .40 caliber round can become over 3/4 of an inch in diameter after being fired into a "soft" target( I.E. living tissue)

" Yikes!Hollow points can hurt!"

by nitrohydro August 19, 2008

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pride points

Points that are used for betting when poor college students don't want to bet with their money. Every person only starts with one million pride points.

"Yo, g, I'll bet you all my pride points that Boston College will beat Clemson by triple digits."

"Hell yeah, I'll take that bet. There's no way that will happen."

by Billy Leonard February 18, 2008