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Nut Nest

An anatomical location on the human body that denotes their genitalia OR a digital location of a person's personal pornographic collection, usually hidden in a labyrinth of illegitimately named folders upon the desktop or favorited tabs.

1) My finger tips felt the radiating heat from between her legs, most likely originating from her nut nest.
2) My younger sibling was appalled and aroused when he found my nut nest on my laptop.

by ItsKeith July 9, 2017

Birds Nest

A girls un-shaved vagina, puss, Furr Burger... it somewhat resembles a birds nest, minus a bird... unless you still wanna slip your bird in there...

Tell your sister to grow out her birds nest for me!

by Ralph bitch September 12, 2010

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Owls nest

Where you dont shave your genitles for about 8 to 9 months and gently set your hairy sack on someones nose while sleeping and screem OWLS NEST at the top of your lungs

Me and paul gave chas a wicked bad owls nest last night

My balls are so hairy i colud give someone an owls nest

by the owlinator December 20, 2009

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breast nest

a nickname for a bra.

sheila: damn! dat breast nest is cah-uteeeee!

lafawnduh: awe shitttttt gurl!

by nigganiiganigganigga November 26, 2010

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Shark nest

An attractive person

"Dude, there's no such thing as a shark nest."
"Yet I stand before you!"

by Yes, yes that is correct May 12, 2019

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the hornet's nest

Nick name for Charlotte, NC; aka Crunkville, the Queen City, and the QC.

Man, it was crunk as a mo-fo in the hornet's nest last night!

by Product1620 July 2, 2006

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Swallow's Nest

A view from the back of a female, in which you are able to see the bulge created by her pink part though her legs.

I like girls with a little junk in the trunk.

Not me. I like girls with the ass of a ten year old boy. Like when you can see her swallow's nest dangling like it's off the edge of a cliff.

by Craftyshrew November 21, 2006

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