Source Code

Peace Ash

Another name for Weed

I do love me some peace ash.

by Vanguard382 December 17, 2011

peace whore

a girl who follows the trend of peace, yet still buys clothes made in sweatshops in other countries, drives an SUV, increasing foreign oil dependency, and usually is a bitch, therefore causing drama and bringing anything but peace to the world. another requirement of a peace whore is that they hop on different "peaceful" bandwagons. one week, they're pro animal rights, the next, it's "go green!". the most notable characteristic of a peace whore is that they do absolutely nothing to bring peace to the world and do nothing to help the cause they carelessly promote. (the connection here is that peace whore rhymes with peace corps, for those of you a little on the slower side)

danny: wow, amanda sure is a proponent of peace. i mean, look at that shirt she bought from urban outfitters, and her myspace name: "aMaNDa -NO WAR- <3". she must be the real deal!

jack: nah man, that bitch is just a peace whore. last week she was all up on PETA, this week, it's anti-war... her myspace name literally changes with the calender...

by whitestboyalive April 25, 2008

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peace of mind

To be free of worries, it is often used as a bullshit term on commercials that try to say that their product will give you "peace of mind" and somehow completly solve all of your problems

AN ADT surveillance system will give you the peace of mind that you deserve

by KoolMintFlava December 28, 2005

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peace pump

A marijuana vaporizer with a small fan located internally near the bowl. When turned on, the fan pumps the THC laden air down your win pipe, in the end causing a lot of peaceful intelligent thoughts. For best effects use some dro.

Having that peace pump artificially breath for me helps fight my chronic diarrhea.

That peace pump gets me ripped.

by Big Trees January 29, 2008

Top peace

A dry {blowjob from an inexperienced girl with sharp braces. Typically resulting in painfully deep abrasions, torn ass neck and ballbag hair, and immediate bloody limp dick. A painfull but necessary rite of passage for teenage boys.

Boy: "Ahhh biatch, yo grill is tearin' up my junkz!"
Girl: "What baby, you can't handle a bit of my top peace?"

by Greg Hudson & Andy Smith December 2, 2007

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peace outside

The term "peace outside" is a derivative of "peace out" and "peace", all meaning goodbye. It started in the 1960s when the hippies would bid each other farewell by saying "peace" and "peace out". Decades later, the hardcore rapping community and "AZN Ghettos" find "peace out" to be too moderate and mainstream. Therefore they came up with the alternative phrase "peace outside."

Most Asian Americans say "peace outside" to wrap up Instant Messenging dialogues. It's best for the first person to say "peace" and the second person to follow up with "outside" as a gesture of AZN coolness.

The Spanish equivalent of "peace outside" is "paz afuera."

A: I gtg, peace
B: outside

by Tiberius Lowang April 11, 2004

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inner peace

Refers to the state of being mentally and spiritually harmonious with no sort of stress or anxiety in your way

Dude: OMG why the f@?k am I so angry all the time.
Hippie: wow man....calm down....sit with me and find your inner peace

by jbLllllllooooo March 12, 2015

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