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Get Pipped

Used when wanting to get in someone’s pants.

Yo, you tryna get pipped?”

by yourethedefinitonofafart October 3, 2019

Pip daddy

Testicles or balls

My pip daddy's itch.

by Yaboititty December 1, 2016

Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo

Probably one of the longest names in the world. This name means “the most wonderful thing in the world.” He was the first of the two brothers, the other being Chang.

Help! Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo has fallen into the well!

by bluestinger66 January 7, 2024

em pip

em pip means "Emo Pipsqueek" and is used to describe an Emo girl or boy that has a high voice and is petite

"look and Trey hes such an em pip

by EMOPIPH8ter August 3, 2024

grundy pips

Small pieces of faecal matter found in grubby underpants.

Colin, having terrible flatulence as well as hygiene was not surprised to find that the frequent release of vaporised turd into his pants had formed into grundy pips. A more polite way of saying "I've followed through and lightly shit myself".

by Spoopleman April 16, 2017

Pip appreciation day

To appreciate pip, and all the work she does on and off the court <3

Oh it’s pip appreciation day today

by voxtis May 19, 2022

Pip Earland

He is a man who loves to fondle with monkey testicles in an arrotic mannor. He also is three feet tall and has a tiny penis who also says the catchphrase: "scot" wich you can find in someone elses dictionary you nonce. I have no job and sit here 24/7 putting up ridicoulus things because i have no life and my mother doesnt love me. Ive had enough and whoever is reading this you have 10 minutes to call the police because im going to kill myself. But by the time oyur reading this i would have alredy been gone. Goodbye cruel world ive had enough of your shit -Edwardo

Im going to kill myself with a knife to the throat - pip earland

by Deceaced August 31, 2022