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Barrington prairie campus

A school where everyone wants to be cool. And everyone thinks they are cool. If you don't have everything on one of those rich basic white girl starter packs, then you are a nobody. Everyone is fake to each other and there is always so much drama. It's very cliquey. Also all the boys there are dicks

I was shadowing someone at Barrington prairie campus and all I could here the kids saying was daddy stec

by Jewl is not kewl May 19, 2019

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Prairie du Chien

A small valley town in Southwest Wisconsin consisting of hicks, wanna-be thugs and a small population of fake gangstas who love to bitch about how much the Prairie sucks but then beat the piss out of any kids from out of town who talk shit about it, especially the Bloomington kids. The mixture of hicks and wanna-bes make for interesting yet cheap parties where some druggies resort to huffing dust remover and spraypaint.

The girls in Prairie are some of the biggest whores in the Tristate area; they'll fuck any guy not from Prairie High. College kids are a favorite of these hos. These chicks are so full of themselves that they often complain about "those damn immature high school kids", despite the fact that they are all in high school themselves.

Bloomington kid-"Hey faggot from Prairie du Pot, your town blows."

Prairie du Chien kid-"You think I'm soft? Ima bring back 50 Prairie kids and kick your ass. Meet in back of River Ridge."

by That One Kid789 December 21, 2010

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barrington prairie campus

A middle school full of white rich kids that blast overplayed music on jbl speakers with vineyard vine long sleeves shirts on. Also the 8th graders are known for having carts and ripping in class.

Barrington Prairie Campus is ruined by Mrs McCullough and Mrs Schmitt because of their feminist ways.

by Tenhovenvegas69 May 18, 2019

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Drama Prairie Dog

a weird-looking creature that is probably more popular than you and the famous "Dramatic Look" of his is the ONLY legendary 5 second clip on YouTube.

It is NOT a chipmunk. OR a marmot. It's not a squirrel either. It's THE prairie dog.

Dude, if you haven't seen The Drama Prairie Dog then you're a fkin noob.

by Aiden Kit July 10, 2007

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Prairie Dog Jerk

Masturbating at work while peering over the top of your cubicle in an attempt to avoid getting caught.

"I'm gonna have to call you back... I'm in the middle of a prairie dog jerk."

by Heez June 11, 2007

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When a canine stands on it's hindlegs to look over an object blocking it's view.

Chloe is prairie dogging while chasing the squirrel.

by Joe Rock September 27, 2003

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Texas Prairie Dog

When you are prairie dogging and extraordinarily large, girthy turd and you watch go in and out with a hand mirror.

I used my sister’s hand mirror last night to do the Texas prairie dog.

That shit I was holding was worthy of a Texas prairie dog. I watched it for a good 20 minutes go in and out.

by Eaton Holgoode November 6, 2018

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