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When you pretend to hate something as a joke, like french-canadians.

French-Canadian Person A: Why are you hating on french canadians?

American Person B: I'm not hating, it's some pseudo-hatred. Naw, they cool. Take a joke, man!

by geek_squared March 25, 2010

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a semi-desolate, discrete, dark place where you have to quickly drop your pants for bladder and/or bowel relief if you really have to go and there is 1.) no open public bathroom around 2.) no law enforcement people around 3.) you don't feel like cleaning up an awful mess in your pants/the car.

Stop the car I need to declare this dead end street a pseudo-bathroom in my honor.

by busterboner September 4, 2009

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They're self-proclaimed intellectuals who try to make themselves look smart by replacing common words with words that not many people know. They would google things like "Others words to use instead of good" and use big words so they sound smart when arguing internet strangers and would forget the definition 5 minutes later. They usually have the same IQ as their shoe size.

Normal person: Headphones
Pseudo-Intellectual: Wired sound wave transduction device.

by A4775 November 26, 2020

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A person who claims to be guided by and a follower of conservative ideals and principals, but in reality is primarily and mostly just the opposite. While they may take a conservative stance on a few periphery issues, and even speak in conservative terms and espouse conservative ideas, they are in reality individuals who at their core are functionally anti-conservative.

A good reference group to look at that exemplifies pseudo-conservatism is the neocons. Neocons more often than not espouse ideas such as being "pro-life", pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-democracy. They will also espouse the idea of "smaller government". However in reality, the policies they support and implement are in direct contrast and conflict with those positions.

A good reference group to look at that exemplifies pseudo-conservatism is the neocons. Neocons more often than not espouse ideas such as being "pro-life", pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-democracy, and also espouse the idea of smaller and more limited government. However in reality, the policies they support and implement are in direct contrast, opposition, and conflict with those positions.

A few of many notable examples of pseudo-conservative neocons are...

George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Dick Chaney
Mitt Romney
Rich Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Michele Bachmann
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Bill O'Reilly

by The Anti-Tyranny Foundation! January 18, 2012

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Fake statistics.

Guy1: I like potatoes
Guy2: 95% of the population likes potatoes too.
Guy1: Pseudo-Statistics.

by Ayeron June 26, 2011

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Someone who tries way too hard to be smart by presenting false facts that they got from the first result they Googled/YouTubed and bragging way too much about how smart they are. Many pseudo-intellectuals also use terms like "woke", "red-pilled", "sheep/sheeple", and "third-eye" and also think that doing LSD and Coke makes them a genius. Will often go against popular opinions/ideas (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but will do so without any reason other than wanting to stand out. Looks down on everyone who isn't them or who doesn't fall for their bullshit. Very insecure. See: Conspiracy Theorist & Narcissist.

Guy #1: I'm wise beyond my years man, I'm only 18 and I know everything about religion, politics, business, and life.
Guy #2: *thinks "Wow, what a fucking douche-bag."* Uh, good for you I guess. Kinda odd to say you're wise beyond your years but okay.
Guy#1: Its true, by the end of this year I'll be a millionaire and I'll laugh at everyone wasting their time at bullshit jobs. I opened my third-eye and became red-pilled as fuck from doing acid so many times.
Guy #2 and Everyone else he says this bullshit to: Yeah....okay bud. *thinking "This guy's annoying Jesus Christ".*

The pseudo-intellectual is a strange breed, most people can recognize one a mile-away but some people fall for their bullshit because some are very charming.

by Gar-Gar Binks November 4, 2018

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a person who is into boys/girls who are over 18 but appear to be underage.

Jacob always goes for those young looking girls. I think he may be a pseudo-pedophile.

by Atredes64615 November 10, 2013

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