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scrolling left handed

To scroll through photos, mostly Instagram photos, or stalk the person's account with your left hand, and using your right hand to beat your meat.

damn, some hot chick started following me on Instagram. I'm scrolling left handed.

by Jaidkdjhshf January 10, 2016

Stop scrolling

"Stop scrolling" is a request that never works. If somebody says "stop scrolling" to you, you won't.

Terrifying white woman: "Stop scrolling, veryuselessperson78!"
veryuselessperson78: "Leave me alone."

And then the dog came in.

by TesTy_DaBlockz July 8, 2024

got scrolled

being ignored in a group setting, specifically after you've made a suggestion, and the group simply makes no comment nor acknowledges your contribution; as if the person was simply "scrolling past" your suggestion

I got scrolled in our meeting when I suggested a change to the paragraph on the screen, even though I thought it was a valuable contribution.

by Facility Engineer February 29, 2012

speed scrolling

When you find yourself looking for an email sent weeks ago and have to to gather momentum by scrolling down really fast on the keyboard.

I was looking for that email from Kyle from 2 months ago it took ages.

You should try speed scrolling, I can get to the bottom of my email in 10secondst

by Laranna:) September 12, 2013

snuggle and scroll

Snuggle and scroll is when you and your partner snuggle up together as you individually scroll through your phones. The PG-rated version of Netflix and chill.

My wife and I snuggle and scroll on Sunday mornings.

by bibliophilez November 16, 2022

A cordon would be better if scrolled

A meme on basilmarket

Yes, but a cordon would be better if scrolled!

by bobthesnail235 August 14, 2011



What people do with their mouse pad to go down or up the Urban dictionary page.

"The young girl was scrolling down the page of the Urban Dictinary only to find the definition of word and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and they DO NOT STOP COMING PLEASE END THE YOUNG GIRL'S MISSERY-PLEASE.... THere .. there are to many. Oh No...I have added to the mess."

by pseudonym#1000 April 12, 2021