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See Finish

See Finish is phrase popularised the Nigerian Mudician Dapo Tubums featured by Mayorkum in the Year 2021. The pidgin term 'see finish' loosely translates to 'to have seen it all'. It is used to describe a situation where two or more people have become too familiar that the boundary of respect or tolerance is pushed or totally shattered due to prolonged closeness or proximity.

That your guy has no respect for you again, na see finish de worry am that oh.

by Makoo36 January 2, 2023

sister see

Just another way to say “see”. But if you add an “sister” you can confuse the crap out of your friends.

Person 1: “I sister see”
Person 2: “Wtf does that mean”
Person 1: “I sister see you don’t understand my language

by TheDistrictOfDeath October 2, 2020

seeing bottoms

cheering oneself up by going under the grandstands at a big event and looking up.

Seymour Butts, under the grandstand and feeling low, looked up and was seeing bottoms.

by MoJo Mojokowski July 22, 2005

Seeing Double

Seeing the same thing twice. Not a deja vu, but a reoccurring motive. Seeing Double can occur when a behaviour or action is copied, and presented. It leads to a question of authenticity.

When Andrew copied Jimmy, I swore I was seeing double! It's like it had all been done before, with a lack of originality in Andrew's performance.

by Echo Nova February 22, 2021

Holy See

Another word for Vatican City, a country enclave in Italy's capital, Rome.

Have you been to Holy See? I heard there are a lot of museums there!

by Boovian March 11, 2023

Seeing shrimp

Very tired; falling asleep.

Man, I’m seeing shrimp, I gotta go lay down

by GareWolf June 8, 2022

wait and see

a direct quote from the one and only true lgbt icon, niqabbi woman. known for hating america and gays, she appeared in a tonyvegas video where she bravely told the world "i will make sure we BOMB !"

she's now been claimed by stan twitter that she's the only lgbt icon in the entire world now after people found out darren criss actually was straight, and not gay. As the portal paradox, the cake is a lie.

it is also important to always clap three times after or during saying "wait and see"

this viral slang is mostly known for being used by the stan twitter community, usually the ones who can't find themselves a good looking man to pay for their dinner.

friend: i don't think that you look good today
me: wait and see ! *claps fiercely*

by mariah carey is skinny February 9, 2018