The "Gaucho Slap" is commonly performed when a man and a woman are engaged in normal sex using a condom. Normal intercourse is the name of the game till the male ejaculates, at which point he removes the condom and whirls it around his head gaining centripetal acceleration (like a gaucho) once at maximum velocity he releases the condom, sending it flying into the face of said woman causing a "slap" noise along with an explosion of semen and other bodily fluids that will be sure to enrage any lover.
Gee wiz! Did you hear about Jill? Her and her boyfriend Fernando recently broke up because he Gaucho Slapped her, totally ruining the moment.
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An unsolicited picture in the form of a text or email wherein a selfie containing only male genetalia is attached.
How am I supposed to go back to waiting on customers when I just got goat slapped by that guy I met at the bar on Friday?
40๐ 3๐ really don't matter how many fingers you use. just remember that it's the back of the hand. not the palm. using the palm is the bitch slap. the back of the hand is the pimp slap.
How to preform:
While VERY angry, extend the right arm across your chest in a 90 degree angle. Tighten you bicepts, and Swing to the right with full SPEED, aiming for the cheek.
the goal is to connect as much of the back of your hand with as much force as possible.
Just finished pimp-slap(n) some dude for not comming up with the rent.
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A game that teaches the idea of possession in theater. One person creeps around the circle looking for someone to give the meat to. When he/she places the meat behind the chosen individual, he/she yells SLAP THE BUTCHER. The person with the meat then chases the butcher and tries to slap him/her. It is played in Drama classes around the world.
Me: We played an amazing game of Slap the Butcher in Mr. G's class today.
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The act of slapping ones baby daddy with placenta.
Kaya just had her baby and the father isnt around so she's decided to remind him he's a douche by placenta slapping him.
Method of discipline involving folding a flour tortilla into thirds and lightly slapping child on the face.
Leaves no marks but a bruised psyche.
He was throwing a tantrum so I tortilla slapped him.
"Why is he acting so good today?"
"I gave him a pre-emptive tortilla slap before we came over"
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The act of defiling an object or individual through the use of animal or human feces.
Usually utilized as an exclamation point to dealing with a particulary irritating co-worker or former boss.
Bob: "Andy returned his worksuits, but they smell like shit."
Boss: "Geez, they smell bad. This one has a long brown stain on it"
Bob: "Oh wow. I think Andy Turd Slapped you"
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