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fat sonic


person 1: hey there what is that fat sonic you're holding
person 2: A green fat sonic or a green ballon lol

by jolteoncool July 23, 2021

Sonic The Hedgehog

Something that was good no matter what some retarded ass people on ed, 4chan, and other child fucking sites.

All though a lot of it is at least decent there is most definitely shit. for example, sonic 06, sonic 4 and forces are the biggest offenders

but at least mania is good right?

Sonic also has some good as movies and some decent comics too.

hey bro did you see the new Sonic The Hedgehog Game?


by PIss Balls The Rabbit April 10, 2022

Sonic The Hedgehog

A franchise that went from great to shit then great again then shit again and it’s looking ti become great once more. All within about two decades at that.

“Being a Sonic The Hedgehog fan is a much more extreme emotional roller coaster that one would like to admit.”

by Mr. sssbapzc December 30, 2022

Sonic Adventure

The first "Adventure style" sonic game, released originally on the Sega Dreamcast. It was ported to the GameCube, X B O X Circle Edition, PC (multiple times), and more I probably don't care about enough to research about it. It's glitchy, fun (when it wants to be), has a modding community, and can run on my computer (20-30fps in Minecraft let's go!!!!!). I got it for less than 4 dollars on steam once during a sale...

How did no one define Sonic Adventure here yet?

by Do_mmar! September 14, 2021

Sonic Ice

A particular type of crushed ice that is used in Sonic Drive-In soft drinks. Sonic Ice can be purchased in bags from Sonic Drive-Ins.

I'm craving a Route 44 cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper. Heavy on the Sonic Ice.

by PunchBowlTurd June 23, 2013

Sonic Gang

The loudest niggas on discord

Im SGK Sonic Gang Killers

by SGKShadow April 25, 2022

Sonic Logic

Something completely illogical. I.E. Fall into lava? Lose some rings. Fall into water? Die.

Why is Ramen in the pasta section as opposed to the ethnic section? That shit is sonic logic.

by DeathknightofDeath September 16, 2014