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Speed Dump

The act of taking a normal sized dump in under 1 minute.

Steve "JT just took a speed dump."
Ian "What's a speed dump?"
Steve "It's what he does."

by Steve Nurse January 15, 2006

35👍 9👎

Speed Parachute

When someone blows speed up your anal orifice.

The playmate I dated stuck a speed parachute up my ass once without really letting on to what she was up to and holy fuck I was a chunk of granite and must of pumped a few quarts of chowder out whenever she decided I should. That was one fucked up fuck fest. Mostly in the kitchen.

by Sam Moj November 30, 2021

Speed Gap

The small, triangular air space located at the junction of a woman's thighs and pelvis. Speed gap is typically exhibited by voluptuous women and is not to be confused with the gap exhibited by slender or emaciated women.

Yo dawg, did you see Brad's mom's speed gap? I want to give that milf some atm action!

Yeah dawg, that slut's built for comfort. Somebody better be tappin' that ass.

by RandyAndy21 February 25, 2011

speed rub

When you masturbate as quick as possible by stroking your hand furiously and watching the porno two times the speed. You should be able to finish within 30 seconds.

Person 1: I am a speed rub WR holder of 15 seconds!

Person 2: I can do it in 6.

by NotoriousGWN July 17, 2016

speed fatigue

When you exit the highway and accidentally go 15 over the speed limit on a two lane road because you're used to going highway speeds

I got pulled over last night for doing 55 in a 35. That speed fatigue will get you every time.

by DanTangelo March 20, 2021

Stringer speed

The point at which an orchestra or any on ensemble of instruments cannot play the music any faster, then speed it up more

We already couldn't play the piece but at stringer speed we somehow didn't fall apart

by Piersontheraven January 7, 2017

speed test

Similar to the speed test used to test your internet connection, but this speed test is used to determine which checkout line is moving faster. It involves a snap judgment as to (1) which checkout clerk looks the least likely to encounter a situation in which they have to call the manager, and (2) which customers are least likely to have some sort of problem at checkout.

I used the speed test at Costco and got burned when the line I changed into was actually slower than the line I moved out of.

by Ae5Ea8 April 5, 2015