1.Unique, Different, Spiritual, Authentic, Original
2.Spiritually Abstract Art/Music
3.A Indie (independent)
music artist Songwriter named
Mason Albert Papay
Whom Mixes, Master's, Engineer's, Produce's and Publish's his own music. Born 01/14/1995
(No Genre)
#No Labels
"Let's Go see Spiritually Abstracts' Performance (Aka. Live show)"
"That Music/Art Is Spiritually Abstract"
"That song is Produced by, Spiritually Abstract"
when you nut so hard you have an out of body experience
tim: “damn sex with her is so great. that pussy was so good it gave me a spiritual ejaculation”
vadim: “wtf dude that’s sick bro!”
tim: “yeah bro”
Spiritual Colonizing means to change, destroy or eradicate traditions, ceremonies and initiations that are required in a closed spiritual practice. Typically these closed practices were founded by specific cultures.
Spiritual Colonizers are self entitled and are typically new agers that think they can alter and destroy anything they wish. They do not think it is possible to be wrong or to practice incorrectly. They think that everything changes with the times and that means they can mix and alter closed practices.
Spiritual Colonizers will ignore the rules or traditions of a closed practiced.
Spiritual Colonizing is a belief system commonly in New Age Practitioners and Witches that do not understand that some things are set in stone.
She is trying to add wicca to traditional shamanism. She is trying to alter the practices and is spiritually colonizing.
They are Caucasian but are trying to practice a culturally created closed practice without doing mandatory initiations, ceremonies and rites. They do not have ancestry, Experiences or have been Initiated by existing members. They are Spiritually Colonizing.
New Agers believe since it is 2022, everything changes with the times because they believe it does. All things must change and for that reason it means that all things can be destroyed, altered, eradicated or abandoned based off opinion alone. They believe that nobody is wrong and there isn't a wrong way of doing things. They are spiritually colonizing.
When 12 Step members don’t actually grow and change, but instead have fragile egos that lead them to threats and violence.
“Bro, the new guy at our meeting called me out on my character defects, I almost had a Chilliwack Spiritual Awakening on his ass, bro”.
Spiritual psychosis is not an official medical term, however for deeper reference, it was studied by Carl Gustav Jung.
Spiritual psychosis can be a result of
(1) not pursuing psychic abilities and then learning to control and maintain them (Jung, chapters on hysteria Psychiatric Studies)
(2) being cursed by a sophisticated magician, alchemist, witch doctor, oracle of Satan’s reign etc… and then experiencing psychosis as defined by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual published by the American Psychiatric Association
(3) Experiencing a situation similar to that of Needy from ‘Jennifer’s Body’ or Rosemary from ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ mental and emotional bewitchment causing severe traumatic internal and external responses
Guy 1: That movie was all about spiritual psychosis.
Guy 2: Do you really believe in that stuff?
Guy 3: I surely do my girlfriend’s been assuming that I’m cheating on her. She had this crazy talk saying she saw a doppelgänger couple of us fighting in the presence of another girl.
Guy 1: Your girlfriend is a nut job.
Guy 2: Does she take any medication for that?
Guy 3: Stop being a—holes. I’m Catholic. I believe her.
Guy 2: I look forward to the wedding.
Guy 1: You’re both the nutty bunch.
Evidence-Based Spirituality, also known as Scientific Spirituality, Evidence-Based Spiritualism and Scientific Spiritualism, is a form of spirituality that seeks the development of a scientific approach on spirituality and the search for spiritual evidences for spirituality, it opposes the notion that evidences are only highly stringent, repeatable, double-blind, peer reviewed, materialism-compatible research, for all phenomena and it believes in "Different Methods for Different Domains" and in Epistemological Pluralism in order to study spiritual phenomena like Near-Death Experiences, Astral Projection, Mediumship, Out-of-body experiences, Spiritual phenomena, Spiritual experiences, spiritual healing, spirits, souls, consciousness, afterlife, extraphysics, extraphysical life, spiritual worlds, other dimensions and so on. Evidence-Based Spirituality also opposes the notions of scientism and neopositivism and it often uses the notions of extraphysicalism, extramaterialism, extranaturalism and spiritualicism for its studies and the separation of spiritual sciences from natural sciences where natural sciences cannot determine spiritual things and it's a thing that only spiritual sciences can actually determine.
"The notion of evidence-based spirituality might be really good in order to counter the material reductionism and the neopositivism inside the spiritual community and scientific community and the development of spiritual sciences and even lead into new discoveries related to spirituality and everything related to it."
Adjective that describes someone whose had a few spirits (alchohol) and has now become quite happy. Simmillar meaning to tipsy.
Person 1: She's looing a bit spirituous.
Person 2: No mate she's off her face