Source Code

Scrabble Text

When you send someone a text message "1" letter at a time to form a sentence vertically like scrabble. You turn 1 text message into 20+!! Best opportunity for success is when their sleeping or you know they aren't near their iPhone.

Emotions might include: Feeling special, afraid, anxious, or confused.

EXAMPLE: Dave (waking up hungover):

"Dude…...Frankie just sent me 22 text messages, what did I do last night??" looks at text message Awwww whatta dick, it's just a scrabble text!!

EXAMPLE: Female you meet night before at a bar (on her lunch break from work next day):
"WTH, just meet this guy last night and he's blowing up my phone. This fool is psycho, he just sent me 16 text messages?!?" looks at text message……Damn, I just got scrabble text!

by Mr. Toma May 2, 2014

text toss

After you send a text message and hit 'send' you toss your phone aside, out of habit.

after she sent the text message, she accidentally text tossed her phone right into the sink.

by The woman of the future April 15, 2009

Text Finger

The digit on the hand that is used primarily for texting on your cellular phone. Also used to hitch hike but really more than a billion people a min are using it to send messages all over the world

Using the commonly known THUMB to push letters on a device to send an electronic message. or SSG Potter used his text finger to poke SPC smith in the eye during combatives. or he stuck his text finger out to catch a ride

by SSG POTTER, DANIEL December 14, 2012

text cohones

1. Text balls or guts. When you can slag a person over text messages but in person you're too afraid or shy to slag them.

Person1: What you're too afraid to say it to my face!?
Person2: ...
Person3: Ah leave him alone, He has text cohones

by freshpseudo January 30, 2009

text grenade

An sms that prompts the start of a text war. Typically done by cowardly people who avoid conflict in person and/or on the phone.

Jillian: Lisa just sent a text grenade to Ben.

Kevin: What'd she say?
Jillian: "I'm pregnant, and it's not yours. :-p"
Kevin: Oh snap!

by Thunder Stone October 13, 2014

text carry

Text carry happens when you are texting someone and neither of you want to end the conversation, but you have nothing left to say. So, you keep texting them the same thing back and forth.

Text carry:
Boy 1- yep
Boy 2- yep
Boy 1-yep
Boy 2-yep

by Mari the diva May 27, 2017


attributed to men who text constantly

Jim : Frank has too much text-tosterone
Mike: I know 300 texts a day is insane!

by Frank Capobianco November 13, 2007