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corporate jujitsu

When a company uses the tactics of its critics or competitors against them, in order to neutralize these opponents or to promote its own products or brand.

AT&T might shy away from a Friends & Family lookalike anyway. Why? Because it holds 62% of the residential market, and those customers are calling other AT&T customers about 62% of the time. Discounting those calls would mean a huge revenue hit. MCI, with its smaller residential share, can discount calls to other MCI customers without suffering such a big penalty. "This is what we call corporate jujitsu," says MCI's Price. "You look for your opponent's weakness and home in on it." Friends & Family may be earning MCI a black belt in marketing. -- Business Week, 1992.03.23.

by jaysonfire July 1, 2009

corporate pig

a greedy person, generally an investor or a rich person. it usually hints that a person's greed is going to end up in a huge disaster.

"just shut up you corporate pig"

by Yaku sama March 1, 2022

Corporate Funky

A guideline for situational dress appropriateness, such as formal, semi-formal, or business casual. Corporate Funky is typically a combination of stylish, yet slightly edgy dress in a business situation, combined with scruffy facial hair.

"Gabe looks amazing in that bespoke suit with no tie. And not shaving for this dinner with the CEO is real edgy. He is soooo corporate funky"

by plenerg February 27, 2012

Something Corporate

A band that, regardless of senseless bashing, is a truly amazing band that has created music that goes beyond the ordinary definition of a band from it's era, touches all aspects of music worth focusing on, and defines emotions that I have found no other band to be able to do. The lead singer, Andrew McMahon has also branched off to his side project, "Jack's Mannequin", which focuses more on the piano than "Something Coporate", and also is a plain amazing band that is definitely worth checking out.

"I went to that Something Corporate concert last night, and I can honestly say I've never seen such an awesome band before."

by plaidboy October 26, 2007

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corporate bitch

Often an employee that gets taken advantage of within a large corporation because they think it's appreciated

Rich manager: Hey, would you like to help the team and weigh all these tills. You wont get paid for it.
Corporate bitch: Sure! I like to help the team!

by Dominic Watson September 23, 2007

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something corporate

freaking amazing band.

something corporate is love.


"reasons, like seasons; they constantly change." - something corporate

by S0C0lovee September 30, 2006

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corporate tool

Someone who works for THE MAN.

A cog in the corporate machine.

Someone whose net worth is slightly above that of office machine.

An employee known more readily to the corporate decision-makers by his or her employee number rather than by name.

A college-educated employee who makes the same wages as that gum-chewing, fingernail-painting, web-surfing, GED-holding front-desk worker downstairs.

Someone whose job task involves suppressing any creative or thoughtful contribution and merely inputting the data required by THE MAN and outputting the results they expect.

See also whipping boy

โ€œI had to go meet our often-disgruntled and potentially belligerent customers wearing a black t-shirt that reads in bold, white type: โ€œHow Are We Doing?โ€ along with our customer comment phone number. I am such a corporate tool.โ€

by THX 1138 February 13, 2004

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