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buffer thrust

An highly advanced technique used in bowling

Almost guarantees you will not a get a strike

I'll get a strike with "buffer thrust!!"

Let me show you a technique i like to call buffer thrust..

by Ninja-Shadow December 17, 2006

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Buffer Nuffer

A word that can be used as a substitute for anything sexual most likely to be usesd instead of the word penis or dick. Used by mostly overly giddy teenage girls who have are to innocent to say what they really mean.

Wanna see my buffer nuffer?

His buffer nuffer was so big and black

I enjoyed that buffer nuffer all night long

by Bijoubabe0430 August 16, 2010

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ass buffer

one who eats ass; usually used to describe a fag.

Look at that guy in the tight pants, he is definately an ass buffer

by TurningGargoyle March 6, 2007

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buffer overflow

Euphemism for an immediate need to defecate or urinate. Also synonymous for having already done so in public.

"I'm about to have a buffer overflow. brb!"

by bembleton August 14, 2007

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gay buffer

Elderly male, usually gay or imputedly gay. Elderly male living alone so assumed to be gay by those with no other knowledge of him.

Derived from English slang for elderly male "old buffer"; 'buffer' being an industrial employment in metalworking.

Him? He lives in that house on his own, guess he's a gay buffer.

by MoLincs July 11, 2010

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Buffering Balls

Blue balls as the result of your slow internet connection while watching porn and masturbating.

Damn, I lost my wifi last night and I got the worst case of buffering balls.

by joemanshowman August 1, 2015

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buffer food

A meal prepared in such a way that its presentation and/or appearance will generate its own conversation, thereby eliminating awkward communication among incompatible guests.

Imma fix a series of buffer food courses for tomorrow night's dinner party, and hoping like hell that people will focus on the food instead of pushing each other's buttons.

by pfon November 26, 2012

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