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Shine Another Word For Like x

You Shine Dat Boi Init.
You Like That Boy Isn't it.

by Erran x July 13, 2008

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moon shine

Whisky.Usually made by the more "country"
Not usually weak.Can be aged.Making it smoother and stronger.

Chick-Damn,I got some of my dad's moon shine last night.It's been aging for like 14 years.That shit knocked me on my ass.

Guy-Isn't illegal to make that,and sell it?

by Dang;Lets Bang January 26, 2009

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tit and shine

licking ones tits so intensely and with such great force that they begin to glimmer from marinated with saliva. usually done in motel bathrooms with low lighting for self-conscious women. this technique was developed in a tukey mcdonalds in the early 90s and brought to the states and perfected by elders in the retired florida community.

that girls tits are glowing through her shirt. her and her boyfriend must have had a quickie tit and shine

by jehnavievee dela pierree July 29, 2009

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Wine and Shine

The act of a housewife or a girlfriend who gets motivated to clean either dishes, laundry or other household items etc. after several glasses of wine

Looks like mom has had a couple glasses of Merlot tonight; she is on her wine and shine routine!

by BilLektro November 17, 2016

Jonny Shine

(also known as JonELf) The coolest swaggiest dad you will ever meet, is super chill and drives teslas, and says 'what's that' a lot, and will bring breakfast to your room every morning

hey, did your day go?
Ah, it was so nice, my dad brought breakfast to my room
sounds like a real Jonny Shine

by kingmeeseek July 10, 2020

Saliva Shine

When you clean someoneโ€™s butt after they poop with saliva

Hey John due to the toilet paper shortage Iโ€™m going to need you to come give me a saliva shine

by RamDit March 21, 2020

Pussy Shine

When having vagina inter coarse and her vagina is super wet and you pull out your penis or whatever was inserted and it is very shiny from her pussy juices, this is pussy shine. A good pussy shine can be enjoyed hours after the event too. Pussy shine can also be referred to Pussy Glaze

As I was fucking her doggy style, I would see she was giving me a good pussy shine.

As they finished screwing each other with the double ended dildo there was a thick pussy shine on both sides, that I will be able to enjoy later.

As she got off my face I could feel a could layer of pussy shine on my face. Later my friends commented on the glazing on my face.

by NYPussyvore December 2, 2021