stuffing all of your uneaten sushi in a bowl of miso soup to hide so that the restaurant can't charge you for the leftovers.
When you're at all-you-can-eat sushi and you can't eat all you thought you could eat, the Miso Swoop is a handy trick.
When the back build of the body’s shoulder shrugs are very defined. Thus creating an outer and in-depth swoop near the spine and then out again.
That man is so built and has such a nice back, he got the Swoopty-swoop going on!
It means that come pick me up
“aye bro come swoop “ “bet on my way”
2👍 1👎
Taking someone else’s partner, usually someone’s girlfriend.
Tony swoop cheese Joe’s girl at the party. He was low key mad.
When a single woman lets a married/taken man bleed his heart out about all the things he is not getting at home. Then waits for his weakest point and swoops in and offers up a sexual act.
My husband and I have been having a rough time, I caught him talking to another girl online and she totally attempted to skank swoop him by inviting him to her hotel room.
Senior swooping is when a senior dates a junior at the beginning of the school year. This usually results in a pretty shallow relationship between classmates.
Scott is senior swooping a junior! Really? But school just started!
When a wing man gets a girl horny then tags in there friend so they can fuck
Me and jon pulled of the alee-swoop last night alee seanjonhornyswoop