A kiss so good that it leaves your lips tingleing. Only the best kissers can kiss with tingle factor.
Person 1: Is Dan a good kisser?
Person 2: He's better than good, he's got tingle factor!
A phenomenon one gets when a stock contained in the Zack Morris Index begins to climb as stated by @MrZackMorris himself. One does not have to see it happening to experience the Tingle.
I experienced a penis tingle when $STRN went to $15 today. I stopped working out and checked my account to find that my balance had doubled. Zack called it yet again.
The feeling or sensation you get before you take a dump.
After eating a particularly spicy bowl of chili, Bob stood up and gave his wife a knowing wink. He was headed to the bathroom. The Doodie Tingles told him it was time to put in work.
When the pussy feels so good you get the tingle bobblers
That pussy made gave me some tingle bobbler
When a woman is expecting, sometimes she will experience a tingling sensation in her breasts. Hence, the titties are tingly.
"If you touch my tingle tits one more time, I'll kick you in the peedoink."
To shit in your own hand and then use it to stroke one out.
I hated myself after having a tingle wank but it feels so warm.
Taking a pinky and inserting it into an anus filled with vapor rub.
Man, I gave that girl the tingle pinky in the stinky!!!