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An adjective describing someone who tries too hard to fit in sed social situations. A toasty person would generally say things to fit in with the group because they may either feel left out or want to fit in more. Toasty people should be proceeded with caution as they might cause anger, frustration, drama, or any other side effects thought of associated with someone who is toasty. May be also coincided with the word extra.

Cute boy: Wow I love that show Shameless it is quite a wonderful production!
Cute boy's main hoe: OMG yes I'm so glad that we can watch it together!
Random Girl: Oh yea! I love Shameless especially that episode 1-3 minute 45:13! So funny. I started watching it after I heard you watch it!
Cute boy and his main hoe at the same time to each other: Damnnnn, she toasty!

by sexyjew132 April 2, 2017


It means your gay. Simple

OMG he is so toasty

by I’m not toasty, I’m a cheif January 2, 2018


A toaster stroodle without the sweet sauce, for it is replaced with cum and is slapped violently at a velocity where it fractures the skull and cum goes everywhere, leaving a tasty, hot, cummy mess for Toast to clean.

"Dude, Viper enjoyed that Toasty last night."
"Did Toast clean it up?"
"Of course, he enjoyed the cum part mainly"

by Spidercaxe June 2, 2023


Toasty is the bestest friend you could get in the world i swear. He is the bomb. You know what..No he isnt just going to be a best friend. He is like going to be a whole family in one person and you would love him for a fact. A Toasty is a perfect way to talk about anything!!!!! They are FUNNNYY AS HELL. Suportive. always there for you. doesn't and won't take bullshit for a exuse or any of that. He is the type of friend that you could spend years with and never get tierd of :) So if you had him as a brother or something (rare) :D Go and get one!

Toasty is awesome I wanna be on his team

by So Close to the Toasty January 21, 2020


A lie on specific life events

"Oh don't you dare toasty me!"

by prince sucmadic November 10, 2015


Heavily corroded such that something is brittle and pieces flake off.

The car had once been beautiful, but what was left was toasty and too far gone to be salvaged.

by Max015 October 31, 2023


Only the highest form of confirmation there is.

Girl: I'm getting at tattoo the same day as your release show!

Guy: That's so toasty!

by Cincinasti April 16, 2014