This is guy is a good guy. But man his ass is majestic. It has shape and volume and the texture is perfect. His thunder thighs are so powerful that Thor himself couldn’t control all that thunder it contains. He loves spending way too much money on everything. He buys stupid overly expensive clothes and only listens to rap and Arab music and calls it a music taste. He also likes cars but still doesn’t have his license.
Hey Waleed, where are you going?
A synonym in Arabic used to describe someone that is part of the LGBTQAI+. The use of this word to describe people who touch others with a strong desire that they are physically incapable of stopping themselves for thinking of a person.
He/She/They are kind of a waleed.
the most amazing beautiful boy I've ever met. He might not think so, but everything about him is so mesmerizing, you can fall for him so easily. I love this boy so much, everything about him is perfect. He matches your energy and will always be there for you no matter the occasion. I never want us to drift apart because I want us to be together forever in his lifetime. If we ever go different paths, I'll feel as if a piece of me has been torn off, which is why I can't afford to lose him. I love time, so much, and I want to be here for him every time something good or bad happens, I just want him to know I care about him and will always be here for him. When will you realize that?
i love Waleed so much, he is so kind and caring towards everyone! I'm so lucky to have him. <3
a beautiful boy who has a good sense of humour, is over 5'7 and has a pretty smile. he belongs to a zainab.
waleed and zainab are such a cute couple
Beautiful boy who belongs with a zainab
Waleed and zainab are such a cute couple
Waleed is a weird type of guy, he puts a smile on your face but he also looks like a nerd.
Omg is that nick eh 30... oh wait its waleed.