Source Code

You're Quite Welcome

you say you're quite welcome when you are more than glad to do something for another person

Pretty girl:

Thanks for taking me out to dinner


You're quite Welcome, it was my pleasure!

by MBKmedia May 7, 2009

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Pottermore Welcome Letter

A mysterous, anxiety causing, possibly Fictictous letter allowing you to finially enter the promised land known as Pottermore.

The reason one million potterheads have been on their email 24/7 sence finding the magic quil.

Pottermore Welcome Letter. Aka: A real Santa Caus

"Why'd Jill Get fired?'
" She called off to watch her email everyday sence August 7th 2011"

" Doesnt she know she can access her email and get her welcome letter on her phone...."

by Dreamblade24 August 19, 2011

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Welcome Home James

A statement made by Marcus Fenix when welcoming James home in Gears of War 4. It is a reference with tremendous symbolism and meaning. It is often quoted by the legendary owner of the legendary Nigel the Pig

*James opens door*
*Out of the Shadows a face appears*

Marcus Fenix: Welcome Home James.

by Daytony500fan March 7, 2017

black blanket welcome

Where you come into a room (like a prison cell) and someone grabs you, pins your arms by your sides and wraps a thick blanket around you pinning your arms down. Then they cut a hole where your ass is and pork the shit out of you.

That new guy cried all night after his black blanket welcome. He thought he was tough but he's a bitch.

by Wyld Stallions Rule April 29, 2008

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you are called welcome

1. First used by E. Little, it is a phrase that fully encapsulates one of the many unnerving situations that arise during "meet at greet" at Otter Creek C of C.

E. Little: "Are you new here?"
Jan Doe: "No we've gone here for years, but I'm not sure what you would call us."
E. Little: "Well, you are called welcome."

by Mr. E Ward May 24, 2008

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PRs welcome-itis

A fatal condition commonly found in people who host code repositories on GitHub.

Whenever someone posts an issue, describing a bug or feature request, the only thing they receive back is the dreaded phrase: "PRs welcome". Usually accompanied by a smiley face or other smug remark. This is an unfortunate sign that the maintainer has suffered from PRs welcome-itis.

The phrase is analagous to "do it yourself". Even fatal flaws or widespread issues can be shrugged off in this manner. In the most extreme of cases all newly opened issues will be met with this response. The only thing you can do is either create a pull request, doing all the work yourself even if you are just a user, or let the issue sit forever, since the maintainer will not dedicate any effort into research or implementation.

PRs welcome-itis is almost uncurable. If you see someone developing PRs welcome-itis, you should be incredibly concerned. Try to help them before it becomes permanent, as only the early stages can be reversed.

If you ever load up an issue and see this phrase in the comments - run away, run far away! Your feedback will be ignored.

Here is an example of PRs welcome-itis:

Issue: "Program completely breaks on Windows 10 1803 even though it worked fine on 1703"
Maintainer: "PRs welcome! :)"

Issue: "Program should use the correct convention for file naming"
Maintainer: "PRs welcome! :)"

In almost all cases the issue will sit for years with no progress as the maintainer neglects it, blaming the poster for not creating a PR. This is how extreme PRs welcome-itis can get, and projects can die from it.

by LoganDark December 17, 2020

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The Real JCI Welcome

The Johnny Conny Ionny welcome is an action where you just wave at a person and say hi. That's it

Person 1: Someone just did The Real JCI Welcome at me. How very polite!
Person 2: Are you implying there's another fake JCI welcome?
Person 1: Don't look it up.

by Random Guy JCI March 9, 2022