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Someone who thinks there good and dies

be a loser not winner

by ROACHEs on my wall December 19, 2018


Someone's who natural better than everyone

That guy is just such a winner

by Winner08 May 19, 2015



I'm such a winner!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. July 6, 2020


A talented south korean boyband which everybody sleeps on.

stan perfection stan winner
stan angels stan winner

by innercircle December 31, 2019


WINNER, a South Korean boy group that can release bops after bops, self produce their albums with the only purpose of healing, skinny legends that even Mariah Sunbaenim respects, the legend says that 1 hate = 1 schedule

WINNER, are truly the trust and listen group of this generation.
YG had nothing to do with WINNER’s success.

by seunghoon’shypewoman May 19, 2018


when you win

person one: im winnering!
person two: i dont care

by the winnering guy June 5, 2023

Troll winner

A troll who pisses you off enough that you stay up all night thinking about revenge.

Troll winner: YO check it bro got so pissed off from my defs that he just couldn't take it anymore... Thats one pissed of bro haha. I guess he must hate being called a faggot and so on and so forth.

by pizzy pants October 29, 2010