It’s when your house is full of feces piss and shit and you don’t give a fuck. You just walk right through it with bare feet and everything. Or like you think it’s good luck so you get a bird to shit on your head or shit all over you. Or after you wipe your ass you sniff your own shit. 2 girls one cup. Fucked up stuff but it’s all real.
Shit worship is a sin.
A worship experience open to every weary heart and every burdened soul; in Worship TOUCH you have a chance to get in TOUCH with yourself, your friends, and our Heavenly Father!
Worship TOUCH is a place where broken hearts are healed, restless souls find peace, and those who lose hope be strengthened again! You definitely wouldn’t want to miss it, especially Worship TOUCH PLUS, I heard it’s even more amazing then the regular ones.
Wow, we just went to Worship TOUCH, it's so amazing!!!
You want to worship the Lord from the inside out? Come to Worship TOUCH!!!
A song that is a bop as well as deemed worshipable. The main usage of worship bop is for, and in the context of, country music, the real bops. Another worship bop is any song performed by Hillsong.
“Dude my neighbors were playing country music, they’re so annoying ugh”
“Bro you best be upset that it wasn’t loud enough, it’s a worship bop, you’re so lucky, you’re surrounded by worship boppers”
An individual who writes or operates with their left hand, and subsequently worships Satan.
Do we have any left handed devil worshipers in the room
November 1st is when we worship our lord weedy. all hail lord weedy.
worship #1: today is November 1st!
ignorant slut: so?
worship #1: it’s weedy worship day. all hail lord weedy.
Hym "The God that YOU worship DOES THAT! IT LITERALLY DOES THAT! IN NUMBERS! NUMBERS 31! HOOOOOOLY SHIT! 'If the God you worship tells you to murder children and rape women... Then you aren't worshipping God' ~ Ben Shapiro. IT DOES THAT! IN THE BIBLE! God... Tells them to kill all of the men, children, and women who have known a man... And then take the little girls as wives... It literally says the thing that you're saying God DOESN'T SAY! It's right there! How do you reconcile that!? How do you reconcile that with the thing you said!? Wow! This is wild! Really, we love ironic punishment until it swings right back around and somebody does a LITERAL number 31 on you... To you... Damn! That's sad. This is kind of sad actually. Hmmm... Oh, well. It's just weird to see you say that God wouldn't tell people to do the thing he definitely told peoole to do!"
That bitch Cayla is a real bbc worshipping cumslut, I love it