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Yanks out

1. A response to when a yank thinks that the internet revolves around America.
2. A response to when americans co-opt and bastardize another culture or style of music


This meme seems to have originated in the UK/Real Dubstep community to refer to Brostep fans, Americans, and anyone who posts cringe about the topic. However, it seems to have recently spread beyond into wider seppo-bashing comunities online.

"Bangarang is such a masterpiece. Didn't Skrillex invent dubstep?"

"yanks out"


"Avalynn is such a pretty name, I think its french. Because I have french blood (along with italian, irish, viking, scotch and german) will it make my ancestors proud?"

"yanks out."


"Man I was so fucked last night, I think I had, like, 14 ounces of beer"

"Yanks out"

by Cool shoes. July 15, 2022

Yank and Milk

When a man yanks or pulls on his male organ in such a way as to increase both the overall length and girth of his manhood. Followed by milking or massaging his prostrate gland as a practice towards more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experiences.

Dan's morning shower ritual consists on a 10 minute yank and milk session.

by Randi Skye February 13, 2013

Yank the vag

to push one's luck; to push on a limit; do something one should not do

Gretel: Thinkin' about hittin' this blunt even though I have a drug test in a few weeks.
Becky: Girl, don't yank the vag.

by Bexican April 30, 2016

yank chain

(Verb) To pull a split lower than 1:30.
Synonomous with: to rip (specifically in regards to fat ergos)

All I want to do is yank chain, I don't understand all the hype about "boats."

by heyygurlll November 25, 2017

yanking the can

Beating your meat

Jimmy 1 I was yaking the can so hard last night

Shelly why are u tell me about u yanking the can beating ur meat{

by Goatboijay May 23, 2018

Yank ass

Highly Skilled or Lucky move to win at a contest / game. Able to pull off an action purely by luck.

Did you see him pull that yank ass technique in World of Warcraft? I was sure he was gonna die!

by Rhimjob February 5, 2010

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Yank Moment

A flash of accidental momentary stupidity, forgetfulness, arrogance or ignorance. Normally meant as an attack against Yanks (Americans) aswell. Sometimes refered to as a "Yankee Moment". It is often refered to as a Canadian Slang term of a "Blonde Moment", except a Blonde Moment only means stupidity, not rudeness.

Jim: "Did you hear about the protest in Toronto?"
John: "....Pardon me? Sorry, I was having a Yank Moment."

by Mister A. C. Canada August 17, 2006

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