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Anna Lee

Refers to someone who likes daydreaming and molds

Anna Lee has many pet molds.

by Happy grinch May 23, 2022

Juan & Lee

Some flibbers who eat all my corn and chicken


by James go away March 2, 2020


Rikki-Lee’s are known to be top 6 in all that they do. Men will sprint to open doors for her as she has a goddess like persona that is unrivalled by none.

Carrying such a presence and such beauty is known to burden a Rikki, causing crippling back pain. Fortunately frequent hits of affection powers Rikki allowing her to function properly.

‘Wow, look at how beautiful she is! She must be a Rikki-Lee, can’t wait to move to the other side of the world and marry her’

by Rikki’sJames November 22, 2021

Stan Lee

Like you don't know who he is.

Rest in peace Stan Lee

by BlastPack August 3, 2019

Stan Lee

A LEGEND. That’s all you actually need to know.

The real definition: A genius and a hero for many people. He is the creator of the Marvel comics. He was featured in all of the MCU movies, until 2018, when sadly he passed away.

Fellow Marvel fan 1: Hey, you remember when Stan Lee mistook Tony’s name with Mr. Stank?
Fellow Marvel fan 2: Yeah, a great meme. That was in Civil War, right?

by Loki-Shoki March 17, 2021

Stan Lee

Stan Lee the gratest hero ever, he created MARVEL. He is a legend.

the stan lee´s cameo was great

by i like weird sh*t November 13, 2018

Stan Lee

A Flippin legend that may be a absolut god in many’s eyes except for bullys

Stan Lee legend

by DeCarrotBrad December 2, 2018