Charlie he is the American dream if you are lucky enough to bare his children consider it a great gift and know you won't be the last mother he makes since he is put on this planet to seed the earth with many perfect offspring
Girl one . I hope my baby isn't ugly . girl2 you should of found a charlie and it wouldn't be a worry.
the most amazing human in the world. they are so handsome and gorgeous. they have the most amazing personality, and their smile just lights up my heart. they’ll do anything to make someone they care about. they make me the happiest i have been in so long. and i’m so lucky to have them <3
charlie is so pretty
Absolute unit with huge cock
I just saw a (Charlie) huge cock
Probably one of the most interesting people you will come across are named Charlie. Charlies can be anything really. They are like an infinite entity that exists for the sole purpose of complexity. They confuse people, but help those understand things they can’t. They make people feel uncomfortable, but yet they can thrive in social environments. So much so many Charlie’s are manipulative to themselves and others. Most Charlies end up driving themselves mad or insane. They can be extremely beneficial to your life or extremely dangerous. A mad Charlie usually means your in serious trouble, but a mad Charles means you are gonna die. Most Charlies are obsessed with being unexpected. To best bond with a Charlie you must challenge them, and pretend to understand what they are talking about.
Most Charlies end up being the following
1. Cult leaders
2. Billionaires who lead illegal business
3. Con artists
4. CEOs
5. Confusing underground artists
6. Manipulative lawyers
7. Presidents
8. Theologians
9. Or dead
In conclusion understanding the limits of a Charlie may just be the hardest question to answer for mankind. Most Charlies don’t understand it themselves.
Charlie: “I think I’m gonna do _____”
Person: “you can’t do _____”
Charlie: “Watch me do _____”
Charlie: “Y’all ever just see like visions?”
Person: “wym.”
Charlie: “like for some weird reason, I feel like you gonna die in 45 hours, 38min, and 24 seconds from now”
Charlie: “strange right?”
Charlie at 3:34am:
“ enim sunt motus.
mox sumus.
qui non claudunt oculos eligendum.
cum nobis necesse est celare tenebris.
superficiem non prius in lucem.”
Poosay tight poosay clean poosay fresh
Charlie, lay down so I can eat that poosay
The fucking idiot that hops on new trends that aren't trends. L bozo thinks it L bono like a fucking idiot. Even Grammarly corrects it to bozo. LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT