Source Code


Damaged beyond repair

This VCR is corned.

by SteelyDanzig July 12, 2022


When someone purposely leaves a ceramic piece of corn under your pillow without you noticing - often considered an act of endearment. However, in more severe cases, being corned can indicate an extreme hatred from the perpetrator, and potentially intent to kill. Watch your back and beware of the corners.

"Damn bro! I got corned last night."

"Yeah I think he isn't feeling well, someone said he got corned"

"He missed class because he was... well... you don't wanna know"

by emuemq September 22, 2021

corned beef and cabbage

A sausage infested with the herp wrapped in some stank stank.

Ryan’s chongy boi found it’s way the the patch, so corned beef and cabbage time!

by RollsLikePoop July 17, 2022

Corn doged

Defintion of corn deged is being needed in the right or left lower cheek or between then

Pr.1 yo i just corn doged that kid hes totaly crying

by ryajdv162341 September 24, 2017

when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019

when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019

Ohio Corn Cobbing

I woman or man sucking their partner's cock after anal sex in Ohio.

Kadi was ohio corn cobbing my cock after fucking her fat ass hole in fucking Milford Ohio.

by Andy Scarth November 20, 2022