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Facebook Evangelist

Someone who posts bible verses as their Facebook status all the time.

Did you see that Stephanie put a bible verse as her status today again today?

Yeah, she is such a Facebook Evangelist

by monkeyman 777 December 3, 2010

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Facebook Rage

The extreme frustration one feels when Facebook changes things up.

I got some major Facebook Rage today when I couldn't figure out how to use Facebook's new "helpful" feature

by Ruhlentheworld September 21, 2011

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Facebook Muscles

(n) When someone says stuff on their wall, others wall, and or private message that they would never say in person.
(v) The act of messaging or posting on a wall, that would never be said in person.

(adj) ex: The guy hit on a girl by posting how hot she is on her photo in facebook, but when they got together he coward away. "Man that guy has facebook muscles".

by usmcvince January 13, 2012

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facebook phase

A Facebook profile that is loaded with a picture timeline of someone's changes of styles, hair or face

Guy 1:Damn ,Bryan when through a bad Facebook phase during high school
Guy 2:So I've heard

by SafeHavenThug February 13, 2014

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did a facebook

To "improve your site" but really make it worse and harder to use like facebook does often

Tom: Dude youtube totally did a facebook
Jerry: What do you mean?
Tom: They moved everything around and added all these useless buttons
Jerry: Aw man you're right I can't find anything anymore

by Flyingwithdice April 1, 2010

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facebook machine

a device device which was used prior to modern computing for the sole purpose of accessing Facebook

guy1: yo this Facebook machine rocks
guy2: aah i got an iPhone for that

by totaditopjk June 8, 2015

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Facebook Notice

When someone says they re going to quit or they have quit their job. wether or not they have actually quit, or given their notice. Could be used to seek attention or for financial gain.

John must be looking for a raise cause he just gave his Facebook Notice.

by Bonescrub October 7, 2009

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