when the boredem of class is too much and you begin to type every ky lower case and upper case alternating keys with the shift button
you- im bored
you- *types*
You are in jail waiting to go to court so you go have a shower and cause of your long hair you look like a chick then bubba takes you from behind and you have the ride of your life and its the longest 8 seconds of ur life.
Them two guys are experimenting and owning the 7 day remand rodeo good for them.
congrats, you got absolutely nothing
*typed 1€§2£|3¥~4_…5^\6<7>8{!9}?0*
Messi used to have 7 Ballon D'ors until yesterday.
2👍 1👎
The day your lord and saviour, Mathieu Bordeleau, was born.
Person 1: do you know what December 7 2003 is? It’s Mathieu Boredeleau’s birthday!
Person 2: oh yeah, that guys awesome!
solo 7 is a person who understands that everyone coexists on earth together while simultaneously having to make their own decisions and become self-sufficient.
Solo 7 will be the wisest person who ever lived in the 21st century.