A person that resides in the blue mountains Australia just out side Sydney.
Be careful going to the Montains wouldn’t want to mess with a mountain goat aye
Egyptian Proverb: meaning if you have something valuable (daughter) better lock her at home
Khaled: Your son kissed my daughter!
Hassan: My son does what he pleases, if you have a goat better tie it!
Also commonly known as @deesucksass on X formerly named twitter, he has been called the "GOAT OF X" For various reasions. GOAT stands for GREATEST. OF. ALL. TIME. And once you scroll through their page, you'll see why they are commonly referred to the "goat"
The superior group of Goats from the amazing place we all know, Long island. The home of japs and fbois but also the best sport in the world.... Lacrosse. The goats include kobri14 danilax smesco cbcavs. They are high class Goats who are better than everyone else. Their insta page is amazing. @thegoatsoflongisland. The Goats are amazing. As the merrick kids know “Kobri14 the goat from the start, she’ll pull up steal your man then break his heart” whoever rapped this is a LEGEND
Wow the Goats of Long Island are so cool i wish i could be them!!
A lack of shoulders. Resembling a goats small torso.
My mother’s goat shoulders cause her dress straps to fall right off.
A man who claims to be a woman but still has a beard
Hey look at that chick, I think it's a dude, check out the beard. Definite goat chicken
jackmase yaint even frag bruh yaint the goat of frag like me bruh