What harmful effects could happen when a metal mixes with acids?
What harmful effects could happen when a metal mixes with acids?
What lead to thrash metal. Proto-Thrash is the majority of metal acts of the 70s and early 80s. It takes inspiration from Blues, Jazz, and Prog Rock
proto-thrash metal bands include Black Sabbath, Heart, Jethro Tull, and Kiss.
A roblox game made by AngryFugo (Discord name) YuNarukami321 (Roblox name) based on the Manga/Anim JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure
Person A: Lmao A Bizarre Metal Run is bad
Person B: I wouldnt say that its that bad
A term of endearment used by hick felons with penis envy for their slutty rebound skanks that suffer from low self esteem and Bi-polor disorder.
Girl #1. "So I heard Brandon is cheating on his wife again!"
Girl #2. "With who?"
Girl #1. "With some heavy metal butterfly he met in an Exxon bathroom while selling crack."
1👍 4👎
When you feel like you should have kept quite when you opened up to someone and you feel small and vulnerable
I was in counselling the other day but it just made me feel like a metal midget and didn't help.
It's a derogative terminology to refer to power metal since most power metal musicians consume cocaine
"listening again to that powder metal sh*t?"
“Proper Metal” is:
A category of Heavy Metal music for bands who have taken inspiration from The Metal Gods such as Judas Priest, Saxon, Iron Maiden, and Accept.
The Proper Metal sound is personified by screaming guitars with face melting solos, thunderous drums and pounding basslines.
Proper metal lyrics often deal with dark or serious subjects, like war, rebellion, and the occult. They can also be fantastical or explore mythology and history.
The Proper Metal look comprises the following:
Leather (black or white)
Other proper metal band T shirts
Studs & bullet belts
Long hair (where possible)
Flying V guitars
Very large drum kits
Proper Metallers NEVER:
Mime on stage
Pretend to play
Use backing tracks
*Play stadiums
*unless invited by The Metal Gods
Proper Metal is nothing to do with grunge