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Prostitution, selling your body, physical sex work. (Not online, in real life)

I'm getting ready to go breaking tonight.

I did my makeup and hair so I can go breaking.

I'm going to do some breaking so I have extra cash.

by TrapHouseQueen February 24, 2025

break up boink

Having sex with someone after a break up or in between relationships.

Barney Stinson would be the bro to successfully pull off the Break Up Boink because he's legen-wait for it-dary.

by the bro July 21, 2014

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Break Up

That shit hurts real shit dawg there’s no reason to be mad or sad because remember there’s 7 billion people in the world and you will find the one for you someday because god has a plan for you so if that relationship doesn’t work out always god has a plan for you

Person 1 - im going through break up man
Person 2 - That was gods plan dawg I’m sorry

by Attempted Lover February 26, 2024

break up

when a guy doesn't love you anymore and goes to find someone better :(

girl 1: hey, i just went through a break up
girl 2: oh im so sorry, you could do way better

by blaaaa226 August 23, 2022

break up

When suddenly the girl you want to marry says she no longer loves you. Or in matter of fact she say she stopped loving you one year ago but simply didn't want to be alone so she used you. And now she has found another interesting buddy in her life that can think of instead of you. And you have to go NOW! Pack up you ruined life, forget about those 6 miserable years of thinking about her and try not to commit suicide. Also drink all of your wedding ring money with friends...

Rado I love you no more! I want to break up with you! You're not the person I thought you are.

by losh_user_at_the_pc January 3, 2018

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Break wide

Break Wide - To run and separate from a person or a group.

"We were all sitting on the bleachers and when Coach Sims walked in looking for Jake, causing him to 'break wide' and leave the entire gym."

by Saints_007 January 27, 2022

AARPee Break

One of a frequent amount of urinations required once you have attained a certain age.

Overheard on a chairlift from one old geezer snowboarder to his buddy: “The lodge is too far away. Next run, I’m going to take my AARPee Break in the trees.”

by RufusAurelius June 13, 2024