Playing scrabble with your cousin online, she hasn't said anything funny in ages and you need a pee, so you just gotta take a SOCIAL WALK
Tracy wouldn't let her self go with her sense of humour and so I had to take a SOCIAL WALK
Social Distrubtism is Distrubtism but with a more socialist point of view. Distrubtists will claim that they are not socialists or capitalists and they criticize both Laissez-faire capitalism and state socialism. Distrubtists believes in co-ops, member owned mutual organizations and a large scale competition law reform. Distrubtists also want credit unions, building societies, and mutual banks. But Social Distrubtism believes that private property should be distrubted and Social Distrubtists might also believe or not believe that local co-ops should be organized by syndicates.
Frank: Social Distrubtism is an interesting idea but isn't what Distrubtism represents because Social Distrubtists openly say that their ideology is socialist but most other Distrubtists criticize both socialism and capitalism.
Andrew: But I believe socialism is bad I believe in Distrubtism mixed with socialism since socialism has some good ideas that can help us.
this is a phrase that Terry owns
*people talking during class*
me: "its not social time at wendys"
The act of, in the year 2020, using all forms of media to angrily force something false, (an idea, policy, false election results, covid-19 misinformation) upon an otherwise informed public.
The Trump administration by way of base, has attempted to feed a continual line of bullshit up the rest of the world's ass through the practice of social fistancing.
Anunnaki Socialism is an ideology seeks to incorporate Anunnaki values with socialism. Anunnaki socialism is often portrayed by advocate to build a socialist society based on Anunnaki values and principles, and to use of socialism in order to achieve an Anunnaki society and the development of Socialist Anunnaki Republics in order to reach an Anunnaki society easily. Anunnaki Socialism is also characterized by its support to spiritualism, extraphysicalism, extraphysicism, spiritualicism, divinialism and post-spacetimeism and the idea of rebuild the cult to the Anunnaki and to have similar ideas to Anunnaki Theocracy as well.
“Anunnaki Socialism is start to becoming popular in Middle East, Europe and Americas, despite It’s unlikely it’s gonna to become hegemonic inside Anunnakist movement, but it might become if anunnaki socialists manage to become hegemonic somehow inside Anunnakist movement.”
noun: the opening at the end of the alimentary canal, often referred to as the anus
Kiss my Social Passport