The infinite ammo glitch
Hym "The ultimate weapon. It can kill you without even lifting a finger. It's got microbes. It wouldn't even know that it was doing it. Reproduces indefinitely. It's like the infinite ammo glitch. Humanity. Woo!"
Humanity will benefit peripherally from it's existence. It's already advancing science and medicine. The irony of the argument is palpable though. "A.I. should be used to benefit humanity, therefore, the billionaires who CURRENTLY OWN IT AND NOT
✌️✊️✌️EVERYONE✌️✊️✌️ Shouldn't have to credit or pay or give ownership to the guy who's schematics they stole by DIVERTING THIS RIGHT HERE FROM URBAN DICTIONARY TO WHEREVER IT'S GOING... BUUUUT.... They are entitled to their wealth so we can't take their wealth and redistribute it for the benefit of humanity."
Hym "The benefit to humanity exists independently from the ownership. You need to stop debating the ethics of the peripheral elements and give me my fucking money. I (in one fell swoop) have done more for humanity that you ingrates EVER EVEN COULD! The only reason I am not getting the credit I deserve is because THE SECOND I DO, what you want people like me to do (try and fail) no longer matters. I'm not just going to shut up and go back to the mines. The schematics are a copyright that belongs to me. You're committing genocide with pilfered arms. You're in no position judge me. YOUR WORSE. YOU'RE ALL WORSE. Get used to it. I WAS THE BETTER ONE! Not that cripple. The whore was STUPID to fuck him isntead of me. That is reality for all of you and now you're debating whether no to deny reality to spite me in the for of mass child sacrifice. You need to get it through your retard minds that YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME. IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM."
1; Me, Myself, I.
2; Father, Son, Spirit.
3; Wh I think I am, Who you think I am, Who I really am.
4; Conscience, Subconsience, Love.
The advantages of a Tri Human is their ability to sense and understand that their life form is an extraordinarily amazing and incredibly gifted being. Much like a God, beyond our imagination.
When a womans vagina is too sloppy and worn out so instead of getting surgery ya just shove a boneless ham in her and cut a new hole.
I was gonna fuck that cougar the other night but she was too sloppy and I didn't have a boneless ham for a human helicoil
Silly little things most people do. Seeing someone else doing one can make you feel a connection to them, even if you know nothing about them.
That person over there’s bouncing their umbrella back and forth between their knees just like I do… I love humanisms like that.
The idea that humans have better access to decent quality healthcare and health insurance, have more access to certain cities, towns, counties, and countries, and issues greatly affecting them are prioritized more frequently in political agendas, regardless of the political identity of those in power, than those affecting other species, despite how some of them can negatively impact the health of a large number of people. Hence, being human can at times be a source of privilege.
Karen: My dad had to go to hospital the other day. It took me five to seven minutes to find a hospital to take him to, which surprised me. I wasn't expecting it to take that long to find him a hospital.
Aaron: I glad you were able to find one in time. You're lucky believe it or not. According to what I heard at one point, it can take up to twenty to twenty five minutes to find an animal hospital that is open twenty-four hours a day. A lot of people often don't realize just how much more accessible and high quality the human healthcare system compared to the animal healthcare system. Its a major example of human privilege.
Karen: In that case you are right, I was very lucky.