Source Code

got me got me

like you really got me

Oh, you GOT ME got me

by gingminge July 13, 2021

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House Me

something you say when you're smoking marijuana outside and it's windy. When you say "House Me" one or more people will block the wind by covering the pipe with there hands.

Damn it, I can't light it. House me, dude.

by bromosexual22 April 27, 2010

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clocking me

To rush or hurry someone

"Yo I been done shopping" shouted Theresa, "what's taking you so long", "stop clocking me, im tryning on this shirt right quick" replied Amy

by Twin710 January 29, 2018

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hack me

A sign that you tape to a persons back that you only know on the internet. Mostly taped to someones back who is supposedly a very important person to their peers. Just like a kick me sign but instead it's a cyber kick me sign.

Hack me all want you sick faggot. nobody cares. you're wasting your time. Go do something more productive like jacking off to your daddy's playboys.

by mack hack attack April 21, 2010

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Tag me in

Basically, when a person says " Mind your business", turn to your bestie. Tell them to tag me in. Then say " It's my business now. So what up"

" You saw ya bestie arguing with a basic bitch who obviously wants that smoke. You come up to them and ask whats wrong. The basic bitch said to mind your business. You turn to your bestie and said tag me in"
You: its my business now bitch. So what up.

by chick1234 June 7, 2018

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fuck me

to go to the store and by a dildo and fuck yourself,if you read this you are a fucking idiot and you should go find something to do with your life like a job or a wife.

ohhhh fuck me.
ugh fuck me

by aton bombs April 29, 2019

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slice me

How to ask for a slice of someone's pizza

Hey, Darrel! I see that Dominoes you got! Slice me!

by theslicer October 25, 2009

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