1. Something that is so wonderful, it is hard to find the words to match. Something that makes your heart beat faster or your heart melt. Something that tops everything else, and always crosses your mind.
2. Something Americans use to describe everything.
Sweet Royale, look at her ass.
Cool Philly slang for anything sweet like candy.
Man, that Perez sure loves his sugga sweets. He can't get enough of that dark chocolate.
When you receive kisses from bae
"I just got sweet kisses from Brandon"
If you read this ya you need to chill the fuck out and don't give a shitee.If you do care just don't save yourself the trouble of intensifying screaming like a little bitch you fk Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet.remeber chill the fk out and stop causing a karen attitude.
Friend:Yo bro why tf that guy has a dark auro surrounding him
Me:Oh his a little bitch born a bitch ass and will die as a bitch ass
Friend:Well Said
Me:I know haha the true meaning of a Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet
one of many drinks that contains vodka, made by mixing the aforesaid liquid, light cream, amaretto and ice.
said a drunk one night: "Hey bartender, I'd like a Sweet Maria, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN!"