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A man who is deeply in love with Asians, so much to the point that he is a convicted asiaphile. His love for asians is so deep that its almost contagious to all his family and friends.

"Hey, did you see that guy swooning over that asian girl"
"Yeah, he's a real Charlie"

by August 4, 2023


A Charlie is the WORST PERSON EVER. He will abuse your best friend, and wish death upon you and your other best friend!!!!!! Never fucking trust a Charlie. Ever. Also they’re typically Ukranian, blonde, have blue eyes and are 5,6. If you see this man, tell him Belos from the Owl House is NOT a baby girl, and is an abuser and he should romanticizing abuse!

Yo, Charlie is an ASSHOLE.”
Everyone knows that..”

by xeternalsquarism November 16, 2023


Charlie is usually a 5,6, blonde, blue-eyed, Ukrainian abuser. He will ruin your life in every way by stealing your boyfriend, harassing you and also abusing your now-ex-boyfriend to the point he loses it! Charlie’s account that he harassed me with was ilovedogs. Charlie also finds r*pe hot and fetishizes p*dophilia and abuse. Charlie is a sick person.

Woah, Charlie is a BITCH.”
Yup. He ruined everything.”

by xeternalsquarism November 16, 2023



mother: you are becoming such a charlie

baby; go go ga ga

by BOB DA BOI June 27, 2022


Charlie is an absolute hottie who i would love toyk….

me:omfg i love charlie so much!

by Tuna Queen December 3, 2022


A cry baby, needy, selfish little baby that wines to get what he wants and never gets in trouble for anything and has about 7 to 11 girlfriends. (Also has anger issues)!!!

Charlie was crying to his 8 girlfriends that he didnt get his mint icecream

by Qwaceslges August 18, 2022


Charlie is a dancing dinosaur with a big booty. He is very moist and weird. If you ever get to touch his elbow, you will be immediately turned on. They are some pretty sexy elbows. He is a really big poopy face and he is not fun to ski with because he pees everywhere. Never let him pee on you. And he poops really fast and never wipes. He is a very mysterious man... dun dun dunnnnnn!!!

I’m not sure how to explain what kind of person they are. Definitely a Charlie.

by Ilovecharlie69420 November 11, 2019