Source Code

Josef David Peter perko

Likes boys

Josef David Peter perko likes boys

by Camocuber December 15, 2019

david eagle

Afraid people won’t respect his property and claims he’s “tired” of bashes.

“I’m just not in the mood for it” -david eagle

by Poop suck March 23, 2022


If a girl just won't shut up , shove a xanix down her throat

Dude, my friend's girl was just b****** and b****** You know and I was like " bro just David her!"

by FANCYMOUSE February 15, 2024

Dada David

A person who's verbal Expressions don't make any sense.

"Hey, dude, do you know what that guy meant by 'in Australia they sow, in USA they harvest and here are the apples still green'?"

"I have no idea. He's probably Dada David."

by BestCeler October 3, 2018

Dada David

A person who's verbal expressions don't make any sense.

"Hey, dude. Do know what that guy meant by 'In Australia they are sowing, in USA they are harvesting and here are the apples still green'?"

"I don't know, man. He's probalbly pulling Dada David."

by BestCeler October 3, 2018

david cardus

the smallest dick in the world

Phil: I have a David cardus

by Thedestroyer September 15, 2017

Joselyn and David

These two people are the best friends no one will ever have, and especially couples. They are the best for each other through hard times or worse they love each other with all their hearts if you are one of these people and know another go for it

You are the best David
You too Joselyn
Joselyn and David

by XxginniepigxX May 13, 2022