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Mike Wheeler

A character from stranger things oddly desired by girls to be gay even though he’s a straight boy inlove with a girl

“All the girls are jealous but they want to kiss Mike wheeler played by finn

by Mike Wheeler Is Straight June 14, 2023

Mike Wheeler

it's me mike. its literally me.
i am literally the real mike.
im a cutie patootie >:3

mike wheeler is cute.

by willsboyfriendmike February 3, 2024

Jersey the mike

This is when at least 2 employees (preferably men) up to all on the shift go into the walk in together to commit sexual acts on one another.

Worker 1: hey man can I jersey the mike ?
Worker 2: only if Jayden joins in

by Megotthegoodsyuh September 20, 2021

mike jackson bad

A female that’s bad on how she carry herself. Sexy/gorgeous with no makeup on with a beautiful attire with pumps. That catches your attention while breathtaking something just so exquisite. Bad like billie Jean moonwalking bad. Someone that’s there for you 82’ Mike Jackson bad!!

A female that knows she bad and you see she mike Jackson bad making you feel like a smooth criminal.

by Big Daddy 1983 April 10, 2022

Mike Anthony

He is one of a kind. He’s known for his positive attitude and extremely good looks. Also know for being the best lover and friend combination any woman could ask for. He is loved by everyone. Can seem shy but once you get to know him he’s the life of any party. Known for his stylish dress and classy demeanor.

Girl: Mike Anthony is such a dope man. I’d love to get to know him.

by M Anthony November 23, 2021

Pulling a Mike

The unfair act of getting away with things that do not work for others, this situations happens a lot in many corporate environments. Specially if Mike works there.

Disgruntled employee: but boss, why am I in trouble when I said I was working form my La Mirada office, you know is my home? When Mike does the same with his city, and he isn't asked to come back to the office?
Boss: but that's him , that's different, you cannot be pulling a Mike!!

by SpeKtroNet July 22, 2021

Pulling a Mike

When your behavior mimics the worst salesman at VIP Sports Las Vegas. Can’t close sales (no news!), has no pitch and has to have his boss Steve Stevens, aka El Scorcho, close for him! Also wears assless chaps when he loses the weekly sales contest. When you pull a Mike you pretty much suck at life.

Steve Stevens, “Mike! It’s the end of the week and you got like no news. Is anyone else in here pulling a Mike this week?!”
Mike, “Yeah, I suck…”

by Contagonist May 30, 2024