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Discord Packing

A form of roasting / insulting on discord made by the creator of packing "KYB Zayne"
usually consisting of loudmicing (using a program to enhance the loudness of your microphone)

stamina (going in a voice call for hours to see who lasts longer without going to sleep WHILE packing.)

lowmicing (just packing at normal microphone volume)

and joke for joke (each person says a joke after the other and whoever made better / funnier jokes wins)

and an unofficial one called "30 seconds" usually used by packers who are friendly with each other to test the loudnesso of their microphones.

Hey, have you heard of that thing called Discord Packing?

Yeah, isnt that community kinda toxic?

by vampirysm November 2, 2022

Discord Packing

When 2 pathethic dorks get in a Discord call and start Roasting each other With Shitty loud mics ( they all suck worst packer is @apo.txt)

"im discord packing rn?"

by downsydrometurtle34 March 24, 2024

Upstairs Fanny Pack

The use of a woman's brassiere as a holder of various items such as keys, cards, cash, etc in lieu of carrying a handbag.

Barbara slipped her room key in the ol' upstairs fanny pack and went down to dinner.

by m0thra May 1, 2023

Pack man

An hood dude that been killing alot of people.
As in serial killer

-Yo dude watch out for ”name”! He a pack man
- Tf yo talking about?

- He smoking all his opps. Oh shit here he is!!

by Realhooddude January 31, 2022


Walking around, typically in a nonchalant manner, carrying either a huge penis, a huge ass, or a gun.

Secondly, this term might also refer to something that is fantastic, synonymous to "this song is lit," or "this party slaps:" "this weed is packing."

I couldn't ride the roller coaster because I'm fuckin' packing.

by Par-kour September 2, 2021


Embarrassing virtual roast match on bad microphones between two 13 year old boys on the godawful platform of Discord. These people like to use AAVE and the N-word repeatedly even though most of them are underweight, attention-deprived, vitamin D-deficient white children. There is no talent involved, to win you must be the loudest and scream the most random “roasts” you can think of, while trying not to suddenly become self-aware of how you’re wasting your life and implode out of embarrassment. If you keep going enough you will start to hear your ancestors’ groans of despair and anguish coming up from your sweat-drenched floorboards. Virtual female attention may be acquired, and possibly nude images will be exchanged, but nudes are easier to get over Discord than a loaf of bread at a bakery, so the winner can not even brag about his prize because all the others in the call tend to have terabytes of underage nudes as well.
NB: if you are NOT a 13 year old child and you are partaking in these activities you may be suffering from a syndrome known as “lonely manlet syndrome”. I’d suggest seeing a qualified psychiatrist for urgent help.

*On Roblox*
Josh: “Yo Connor, I packed the shit out of that n***a Donald last night bro”
Connor: “Shmoked. Smokin’ on dat Donald pack rn OG”
Josh: “I’m the god of packing no cap”

by YH8 September 14, 2022


when a boy has a big dick that makes up for his small personality

oh my god... Michael Cera is packing! you can literally see it through his undies!!!

by holdentudiks December 14, 2021