One who is capable physically of completing a job but rather chooses to sit at home and leach checks from the government.
Dave is such a “government sugar baby”, he needs to get off his ass and get a job.
A word to describe vagina lips
Dang it, my sugar puff keeps poking through my tights..
Don't let the dog near your face, she's been licking her sugar puff again
Gummy bears that basically just act as laxatives. Diarrhea hell ensues. They have funny reviews on Amazon.
Holy SHIT I ate 5 sugar free gummy bears and now I don’t think I’m ever leaving my porcelain throne
When the weed so good one L has you gassed
Shorty: You like that bag I got last night?
D: Yeah it was pure sugar
Like a sugar daddy, but a couple that plays the role. Thus making the grouping a thruple.
I get to travel so much to exotic places thanks to my sugar druple
Getting it up the bum by a welsh sheep up the sugarloaf mountain aka a sheep shagger.
He got absolutely slizzered last night, he ended up getting bloody sugar loafed what a nonce.